kitchen remodel: finding space(6)
kitchen remodel: finding space
Laundry facilities were moved upstairs, opening up space at one end of the kitchen for a sunny breakfast nook. An antique oval table and white-painted chairs pull up to a built-in window seat topped with pillows. Classic wood trim and crown moldings frame the breakfast nook and are suitable for the Plucks’ 1930s shingle-style house.
Another smart storage idea: The window seat holds seasonal cooking supplies.
Window-seat and chair-cushion fabric (“Marquesa Linen Print’’/Papaya #79617-646): Brunschwig & Fils, 800/538-1880,, trade only.
Pillow fabric (“Vita’’/Peche, Veronese #4424-03, discontinued); pillow fabric (“Lison’’/Apricot #4459-25): Manuel Canovas through Cowtan & Tout, 212/647-6900, trade only.
Kitchen table; plant stand: Shippan Center for Arts & Antiques, 203/353-0222.
Chairs: Wisteria, 203/264-1445.
Paint (“Butterscotch’’ #2157-30 and “Glowing Apricot’’ #165, both custom mixes): Benjamin Moore & Co., 888/236-6667,