Hollywood Before & After(6)

Hollywood Before & After
Curvaceous Avery Boardman sofas face a shagreen-and-cast-bronze coffee table designed by Timothy Corrigan.
Rug (Persian Kerman, c. 1920): Doris Leslie Blau, 212/586-5511, dorisleslieblau.com.
Plaster ceiling: Hyde Park Mouldings, 631/752-7837, hyde-park.com.
Sofas ("Barrymore" #605): Avery Boardman, 800/634-6647, averyboardman.com.
Sofa fabric ("Vicarrio Silk Damask"/Champagne (#22240): Schumacher, 800/523-1200, fschumacher.com.
Cord trim (small cable #PV79917-214): Clarence House, 800/803-2850, clarencehouse.com.
Blue pillows ("Posh Velvet"/Cerulean #26109-505, discontinued): Kravet, 888/457-2838, kravet.com.
Striped pillows ("Delamont" #NCF3540/06, by Nina Campbell): Osborne & Little, 877/322-7420, osborneandlittle.com.
Damask pillow ("Raphael Damask"/Blue #190462.00, discontinued): Brunschwig & Fils, 800/538-1880, brunschwig.com.
Trim on striped pillow and damask pillow (#33031-9606, Linea Collection, discontinued): Houlès, 310/652-6171, houles.com.
Armchairs ("Camden Chair"); bench ("Brighton Bench"): Schumacher, 800/523-1200, fschumacher.com.
Chair fabric ("Menam"/Lead #1058-17): Jim Thompson, 800/262-0336, jimthompsonfabrics.com.
Bench fabric ("Sonia Velvet"/Slate #34156-3): Clarence House, 800/803-2850, clarencehouse.com.
Bench trim (#31280-9610, Antica Collection): Houlès, 310/652-6171, houles.com.
Drapery ("Evita"/Spa #8354): Pindler & Pindler, 805/531-9090, pindler.com.
Coffee table ("Doheny Table," Shagreen and cast bronze): Timothy Corrigan Antiques, 323/525-1802, timothy-corrigan.com/antiques.
Piano bench ("Ployant Bench"): Therien Studio Workshops, studioworkshops.com.
Piano-bench fabric ("Velluto Spina"/Beige #BL032-3742): Christopher Hyland Inc., 212/688-6121, christopherhyland.net.
Chenille brush fringe: Samuel & Sons, 212/704-8000, samuelandsons.com.
Octagonal table (Regency, mahogany and satinwood): Sotheby's New York, sothebys.com.
Garden urns (antique): Christie's Paris, christies.com.
Columns (antique, walnut and giltwood): Bruun Rasmussen, Auctioneers, Copenhagen, bruun-rassmussen.dk. Starburst mirror: Paris flea market.
Mantel design (by Timothy Corrigan, modified from Chateau du Groussay, France): Timothy Corrigan Inc., 323/525-1802, timothy-corrigan.com.
Millwork: JW Custom Woodwork, 818/834-0194.
Vases on mantel (antique, blue-and-white delft jars): Christie's London, christies.com.
Flowers: Silver Birches, Pasadena, CA; 626/796-1431, silverbirches.net.
Accessories: Timothy Corrigan Antiques, 323/525-1802, timothy-corrigan.com/antiques.
Wall-and-trim paint ("Dorset Cream" #68): Farrow & ball, 888/511-1121, farrow-ball.com.
Ceiling paint ("Riviera Terrace" #WW50): Ralph Lauren Paint, 800/379-7656, ralphlaurenhome.com.