Decorating with...Sunshine!(6) 05/10/2013 19:45 Decor Ideas

Decorating with...Sunshine!
"The desk in the library truly is spectacular," says Nicole Sheehan. "It is large enough for real work to get done, but still a lovely piece that fits well in this room. We were trying to find a chair that would fit well with this desk, both in terms of looks and size, when we remembered a chair we had from our last house. We re-covered it in two different colors of yellow, and it fits perfectly."
Desk-chair fabrics ("Heavy Silk"/Burnished #2326-9; and "Heavy Silk"/Butterscotch #2326-10): Dogwood Fabrics, 800/883-5500,
Desk ("Napoleon III Writing Table"): Yale Burge Antiques, 212/838-4005,
Lamp on desk (antique stone lamp): designer's collection.
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