Colorful, Sophisticated New York Apartment(8)

Colorful, Sophisticated New York Apartment
The neutral kitchen comes alive in joyous moments when the girls are completing art projects, tackling homework, or eating snacks after school.
Cabinetry: custom.
Pot rack (custom): Ann-Morris Antiques, 212/755-3308.
Countertops: granite.
Backsplash (glass Roman brick mosaic): Artistic Tile, 877/528-5401,
Table (custom): E.C.R. Conservation & Restoration, 718/482-8050,
Lantern above table ("Large Round Edwardian Foyer Lantern'' with 5 lights/Polished Nickel #CHC328): Circa Lighting, 877/762-2323, trade only.
Counter stools and dining chairs ("Rembrandt'' #2881): Artistic Frame, 212/289-2100,
Fabric on counter stools and dining chairs (faux leather): Fabricut, 800/999-8200,, trade only.
Paint (custom): Deux Femmes Decorative Painters, 203/545-1995.