Colorful, Sophisticated New York Apartment(10)

Colorful, Sophisticated New York Apartment
Designer Flanders, who shies away from rooms that are too juvenile, created a stylish bedroom for Brooke, with oversized dots and stripes and fashion-forward purple and pink.
Art (Polaroids by Polly Apfelbaum): through Elizabeth Fiore Art Advisory, 646/484-6211,
Wallpaper ("Lysander'' #W5332-09): Osborne & Little, 877/322-7420, trade only.
Roman shade and cornice ("Valentino Stripe''/Pink, Cream #J0518/440): Lee Jofa, 800/453-3563, trade only.
Trim ("Antica Tassel'' #33391/9730 by Houlès): Brunschwig & Fils, 800/538-1880, trade only.
Daybed (custom): Deco by Designers, 718/510-5404.
Fabric ("Chic Velour''/Shell #26117/717): Kravet, 888/457-2838, trade only.
Cord trim ("Annecy with Tape,'' 1/4-inch/Pink and Cream #981-31058/409): Samuel & Sons, 212/704-8000, trade only.
Desk chair: owner's collection.
Chair fabric ("Chevron''/Mulberry, by Voyage): through Christian Fischbacher, 212/207-4427,, trade only.
Fabric on chair back ("Fenton Leaf"/Pink #J124F-02): Cowtan & Tout, 212/647-6900, trade only.
Trim ("Annecy Gimp with Tape, 1/2-inch/Ecru #982-30702/109): Samuel & Sons, 212/704-8000, trade only.
Chandelier: Antique & Artisan Center, 203/327-6022.
Bedding: Schweitzer, 800/554-6367.
Carpet "Diamond Heights''/Rose Marquis, Beauvais #125): Beauvais Carpets, 212/688-2265,, trade only.