20 Years of Traditional Home: McBournie and Faudree(6)

20 Years of Traditional Home: McBournie and Faudree
An antique country display table serves as the dining room sideboard. Two new zinc urns with convincing patina form the bases of lamps topped with rectangular parchment shades.
Beth loves to collect objects full of quirky personality like the three antique soda bottles on the sideboard. On the wall above, an antique hooked rug echoes the strong reds and golds of the room.
Sideboard: owner's collection.
Antique urn lamps on sideboard; pair of urns: Antiques on 5, 617/951-0008, trade only.
Antique seltzer bottles: Hudson, 617/292-0900.
Rug over sideboard (1860 New England hearth rug mounted on stretcher): Victor Weinblatt, 413/533-6435.
Wall treatment (custom): Gedas Paskauskas, Studios Inc. 617/233-4307, gedaspaskauskas.com.