20 Years of Traditional Home: McBournie and Faudree
http://decor-ideas.org 05/10/2013 18:30 Decor Ideas

20 Years of Traditional Home: McBournie and Faudree
As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, it has been a natural thing to remember and appreciate the many incredibly talented designers we have featured through the years.
It is possible that no designers have been published more often in Traditional Home than Gary McBournie of Boston and Charles Faudree of Tulsa, both of whom figured prominently in our anniversary issue. Their styles aren't at all similar -- although, as we invariably find to be true of the best designers, each creates wonderfully comfortable, inviting rooms for his clients.
What they also have in common is that our readers love their work. Here are two of their latest projects that we are very pleased to feature.
URL: 20 Years of Traditional Home: McBournie and Faudree http://decor-ideas.org/cases-view-id-1288.htmlRelated Articles Recommended