Hard Winter? 9 Ways to Battle Cabin Fever
http://decor-ideas.org 03/07/2015 04:03 Decor Ideas
To our friends who have been snowed in for over a month now, we are thinking of you. And we’re worried about you. As hard as tending to ice dams, shoveling and roof raking is, you must almost dread going back into the house. If you’re not careful, you may find yourself channeling Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Here’s a roundup of fun and productive things to do around the house when you find yourself antsy but can’t come up with one more thing to do.

1. Organize your photos. You know there are either stacks of them, envelopes full of them or sometimes even worse, a horribly overstuffed iPhoto account that’s never been organized. If they aren’t digital, set up a spot to spread out — you may want to do this over several days. Reading the following articles will be very helpful before you get started:
4 Questions to Help You Organize Your Favorite PhotosHelp for Whittling Down the Photo PileOrganize Photos in a FlashWhat to Do With Old Family PhotosAs for the photos you wish to display, as one photo comes in, it can be a good thing to store one so you don’t get overwhelmed with too many. But that’s personal preference. Here’s some help: Edit Your Photo Collection and Display It Best — a Designer’s Advice.

2. Pull out the board games. All of them. Read the instructions for the ones you’ve never tried, have nostalgic fun with games like Sorry, Operation (the wacky doctor’s game) and Monopoly. If your supply is short, treat yourself to some new ones online. Pull out the cards, fill a charades bucket with ideas to act out or channel your inner Bobby Fischer.
Simple Pleasures: Game Night Done Right

3. Compose a gallery wall. Chances are, you’ve been thinking about it, but you haven’t had the confidence to just do it. There really are no hard and fast rules; it’s all about laying things out on the floor and seeing what works.
If you need some styling ideas, check out A Gallery Wall for Every Personality.
Then get some practical advice for how to accomplish this task without winding up with a bunch of unnecessary holes in the walls, by reading Handmade Home: How to Design a Gallery Wall.

4. Get baking. I learned how to bake as a kid, and it became one of my favorite things to do. Enjoy teaching yourself a new recipe. If you have kids, they’ll have fun learning the ropes.
Simple Pleasures: The Joy of Baking
Speaking of simple pleasures, check out Houzz contributor Laura Gaskill’s entire Simple Pleasures series for more great ideas.

5. Read. Shop your own shelves for those gems you’ve been meaning to read but never got around to. Help your kids choose some things they may not ever unearth on their own — I recently found a book on Greek mythology in my parents’ attic I loved as a kid that I knew my nephew would love. If the kids aren’t in school yet and have books at home, encourage a daily study hall where they can review and also get ahead. If you can get out, hit the library or local bookstore.
If you tend to hoard magazines, as I do, take some time to enjoy them one last time, say goodbye and show them the door. Schools and art classes are always happy to have them for projects, or you can put them in the newspaper recycling bin.
While you’re at it, make a special place to enjoy reading extra cozy. We have plenty of stories to give you some inspiration.

6. Set up craft central. While you may not have the room to designate a full-time craft room, you need one now more than ever. Let the supplies temporarily take over the dining room table, the guest room, a card table or anywhere else you can carve out some space.
How to Set Up a Craft Room
8 Wonderful Winter Hobbies to Nurture at Home

7. Plan for the days when your ground will no longer be frozen. Review how last year’s garden fared, start plans for the garden, order seeds, think about adding edibles, vow to try a new plant … dig deep into the gardening section on Houzz to enjoy some virtual gardening.

8. Get it done. A home project, that is. If you’ve been scared of that junk drawer, the kitchen drawers, kitchen cabinets, pantry, coat closet, linen closet, bedroom closet, media cabinet or bathroom, it’s time to face your fears.
You and these spaces are all stuck in the house together, so you might as well interact. I promise that once you dig in, it’s immensely satisfying, especially if you remember to take a “before” picture for comparison when you’re done.

9. Binge on a TV series guilt-free. Feeling very “organizing, schmorganizing?” Go on a TV binge. You’ve earned it. The third season of House of Cards is out. If you haven’t ever watched the show, I’m green with envy that you have three whole seasons that will be new to you.

What’s the snow situation like where you are? Please share a photo with us in the Comments section and let us know how you’re dealing with the weather.
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