You Said It: ‘Lower Your Standards’ and Other Quotables 12/20/2014 08:13 Decor Ideas
This week Houzz stories had us getting inspired by great holiday projects and decor, but at the same time, they gave us permission to cut ourselves a break. Whether you want to accomplish the perfect wrapping job or have your 6-year-old do it for you instead, there’s a story for you. On a personal note, I want to say thank you to all of you Houzzers for sharing your personal traditions and decorations. It’s been heartwarming to read about them and has really put me in good spirits this week.

“You can add a little something extra: a gift on top of your gift. Including trinkets as gift toppers will surprise and delight the recipients.” — Amanda O’Sullivan
I am in full-on holiday panic mode, and I’ll be lucky if I can find the tape, but this ideabook made me want to vow to do better. These packages are so pretty, I almost wouldn’t want to ruin them by ripping them open, and the cookie cutter treat as a wrapping ornament is a fantastic idea.
Full story: Gift Wrap Ideas That Add a Personal Touch
Other great projects featured this week:
DIY Placemats Inspired by Nature
Light Up Winter With DIY Scented Soy Candles
See How to Make a Scandi-Style Beaded Star

“Any tree that looks this good in the middle of winter deserves applause.” — Charlotte Albers
Have you tried to forage for winter decor clippings in your own yard and come up empty? Bookmark this ideabook and make landscaping plans. Spring planting can bring beautiful red berries, twigs and, my personal favorite, lots of hungry birds to watch to your home.
(By the way, the tree that deserves the applause here is Winter King hawthorne.)
Full story: 6 Rockin’ Red Plants for Winter Gardens

“My family room mantel this year.” — Houzz user Michelle
Michelle is way ahead in the holiday decorating game and has set the bar high. Gorgeous job, Michelle — thank you for sharing!
Full story: Show Us Your Holiday Mantel

“Lower your standards.” — Alison Hodgson
Are you drowning in holiday stuff and the thought of having one spare minute to complete any of the previously mentioned projects makes you laugh? It’s OK! I laughed, because I came across this story minutes after I wrote about not being able to find the tape.
It was impossible to pull a favorite line from this refreshing story about how to give yourself a break and make it through the holidays without being so exhausted that you can’t enjoy them. Here’s a quick cheat sheet on Hodgson’s suggestions — they include:
If you haven’t decorated yet, don’t. Put the kids to work. Double check your grocery list (so you have to go to the store only once).Clean (just the basics).Pull out the candles (for instant ambience with minimal effort).Full story: Surviving the Christmas Countdown: A Parent’s Guide

“Seven years ago, we decided to celebrate [winter] solstice. It was all in fun to mark the increase of more daylight going forward. Part of solstice tradition includes fire, so we had a bonfire to celebrate. That night seven years ago is now a tradition with our group of friends.
This night of celebration includes a large spread of food, which everyone contributes. We also do a white elephant exchange. But the focal point of the evening is the bonfire. What makes this so special? We live in Michigan. The weather can range from a balmy 40 degrees to blizzard conditions, which was the case one year. My husband was snow blowing the fire pit area all day to keep up with the snow.
Our little celebration with another couple has now grown to about 20. Our friends tell us it’s the best party of the holiday season. We have a solstice poem recited at the fire and a toast to another year with our friends.” — Houzz user cf3670
It would be impossible to pick a favorite tradition from those that Houzzers from around the world have shared, but this idea was new to me — I am so excited for the days to get longer! The winter solstice is this Sunday — if you’ve taken Hodgson’s advice, you have freed up time to build a fire, mix up some cocktails and have some friends over for a casual celebration.
Full story: Houzz Call: Share Your Personal Holiday Traditions

“A long table was installed at the end of the garden overlooking the Yvelines countryside, a magnificent location for leisurely meals with family and friends.” — Fabienne Dupuis
OK, enough holiday stuff; let’s give ourselves a mental break from it. Warning: This story could be dangerous for your wallet — it will have you making sure your passport is up-to-date and planning a trip to France by the time you reach the third photo.
Full story: Houzz Tour: Wisteria and Light in the French Countryside

“We designed the house to be several separate elements. It’s all about connecting the owners to the outdoors and experiencing the water.” — architect Brian Comeaux, as told to Nora Burba Trulsson
I’m not sure if I’ve seen a home that makes stronger connections between indoors and out, and this one does so in such a beautiful and thoughtful way. From the pool that comes up right next to the living room to the dining table made from a pecan tree that fell during a storm, Lake Flato Architects’ design is absolutely mesmerizing. It was a true delight to tour this home.
Full story: Houzz Tour: Limits Bring Out the Best in a Modern Lakeside House

“Noticing that [homeowner Tom] Thulin had a couple of purple ties, [designer Beth] Rosenfield suggested using a purple–slate gray color for an accent wall.” — Jeannie Matteucci
This mention of the purple ties is such a great reminder — if you have a hard time finding your own personal decor style, look for clues in your closet. Fashion and home design tastes go hand in hand.
Full story: New Sophistication for a Connecticut Bachelor Pad
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