Houzz Call: We Want to See Your Hardworking Mudroom
http://decor-ideas.org 12/20/2014 06:13 Decor Ideas
A lot goes down in a mudroom: Wet or muddy boots are removed, coats are donned, sports and school gear is stowed, and family and pets pass through it every day. Although it’s rarely the first room special guests see, we want you to throw open the doors of your mudroom and show us how you have set it up. Have a well-run, superorganized mudroom? We want to see it and learn your secrets! Here are a few images to get the conversation started.

One of my favorite quotes on Houzz in 2014 comes from interior designer Claire Paquin of Clean Design, whose new mudroom was featured as a Room of the Day.
When asked about the space, she said, “If I were to ever design a house from scratch, I’d make a giant mudroom.”

Since Paquin was remodeling an older home in New York state, she did the next best thing by taking a 5- by 14-foot space from one side of a two-car garage to create a mudroom. She made the most of the square footage, outfitting it with cubbies and hooks installed at heights for adults and children. “Between all the coats, hats, backpacks and sports equipment, we really needed a command central for stuff,” she says.
Read more about this mudroom

One of the things I’ve noticed on Houzz recently is how many people use their mudroom for more than boots and coats. Many are putting the mudroom to work by installing a work, craft or homework station, such as with this mudroom by Sicora Design/Build. In this setup, the briefcase and laptop might never get past the mudroom.

Another favorite mudroom from this past year is this one, by Cory Connor Designs. When I wrote about it earlier this year, I called the space sexy.

I chose that word because if you are a parent of a sports-playing, gear-collecting child, nothing is as hot as this set of doors with a secret. On their face, they store coats and boots.

But open them and you find a storage room with organized sports equipment, out-of-season clothes and extra household items. My heart races just thinking about it.
Read more about this mudroom

This open mudroom by Howell Custom Building Group packs in the storage with vintage style.
What smart mudroom ideas and layouts get your blood pumping? Share your own photos, please!
Designers: Have you designed a mudroom this year that is packed with great storage solutions? We want to hear about it.
Home dwellers: Show us how you’ve made your mudroom work better for you this winter. Add your photos and tips in the Comments below.
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