See How to Make a Scandi-Style Beaded Star 12/19/2014 20:13 Decor Ideas
A white beaded star ornament looks elegant hung on a wall or tree, or attached to a gift in place of a bow. And it’s fun to make with materials from the craft or hobby shop. Here’s how.

Materials and tools:
22- to 26-gauge wire, about 55 inches long (I used copper)50 wooden beads, 15 millimeters in diameter String for hanging the starScissors

1. Bend a piece of wire about 55 inches long into a simple star shape — the “points” will be slightly rounded.

Create a loop at one end of the wire; you’ll use this to close the wire star when you’re finished threading on all your beads.

2. Thread the beads. You may need to temporarily change the star’s shape. Don’t worry; you can bend it back into shape.

3. Once you’ve strung all the beads except the last, create a small hook at the other end of the wire.
Make sure you have added as many beads as will fit on the wire — you want to cover as much of the wire as possible. After you’ve threaded the last bead, attach the hook end of the wire to the loop end. Hide as much of your locking system as possible in the center of the last bead.

4. Loop a piece of string through a bead on one of the points of the star, so you can hang it from a tree or on a wall.


Did you make an ornament this year? We’d love to see it in the Comments!
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