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Houzz Quiz: What’s Haunting Your House?

http://decor-ideas.org 10/16/2014 00:13 Decor Ideas 
Traditional Exterior Traditional Exterior
1. Oh, my god, what’s that sound? It sounds like someone is laughing hysterically. It’s quiet. A little too quiet. Is something gnawing on the floorboards? I think I hear soft footsteps in the hall. Is someone eating an apple? Oh, that’s just someone sweeping up. Right? Sounds like pitter-patter. But wait, it’s not raining! That clicking in the wall is driving me insane!

Traditional Landscape by Zeterre Landscape Architecture
2. What’s the scariest place where you might find yourself alone? An alley, facing down a pack of wild dogs A farm in the middle of nowhere An abandoned amusement park The woods at midnight Anywhere with insects An old, abandoned library Swimming in a pitch-black lake Surrounded by a bunch of stuffed animals looking at me

by lee goske • 2cranesdesign
3. Pick a scary movie. The Shining The Blair Witch Project House on Haunted Hill Critters Child’s Play Cujo It Arachnophobia

4. If your house caught on fire, what would you grab first? My smartphone My emergency preparedness kit My wallet and passport My baby blanket. It’s special to me. My car keys Some clothes to wear Nothing — I would run out stark naked if I had to My fireproof box with all my valuables

Contemporary Living Room by Boca Theater and Automation
5. If someone were chasing you, what would you do? Run until I pass out Find a place to hide Scream my head off in the hope that someone would come to the rescue Look for a weapon Try to reason with the person Try to trick the person, like by opening a window but hiding under the sink Stand and fight Accept my fate

Traditional by Heritage Wagons
6. What do you cherish the most? My books My pets Being outdoors Happiness Cuddling Me-time My hobby My clothes

Contemporary Powder Room by Cindy Aplanalp-Yates & Chairma Design Group
7. What’s the maximum level of security in your house? Just me A baseball bat by the bed Locked doors Locked doors and windows A dog A security alarm A gun A surveillance system

Renovation Finds

Traditional Home Office by JAUREGUI Architecture Interiors Construction

Traditional by Alan Mascord Design Associates Inc

Contemporary Basement by RJ Maillie Jr LLC

Mediterranean Kids by JAUREGUI Architecture Interiors Construction

Transitional Staircase by Mackle Construction

Contemporary Living Room by Supon Phornirunlit / Naked Decor

Traditional Hall by Platinum Series by Mark Molthan

URL: Houzz Quiz: What’s Haunting Your House? http://decor-ideas.org/cases-view-id-24828.html
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