Create Your Own Checklist for a Well-Stocked Kitchen 09/03/2014 19:16 Decor Ideas
If you are setting up a first home, looking for a housewarming gift, or just find yourself often missing a key cooking tool, this list of essentials and nice extras is here to help. From pots and pans to measuring cups, see which pieces best suit your kitchen and your personal cooking style.

Salt and pepper mills
Can and bottle openerCorkscrew
Wooden spoonsTongsLadlePancake turnersRubber spatula or scraper
WhiskVegetable peelerKitchen shearsBox graterMicroplane graterColanderCitrus juicerPotato masherNice extras:Food millMandolineFish spatulaSalad spinnerMortar and pestle

Small Appliances
Handheld or standing mixerToaster or toaster ovenBlenderFood processorKettle (stovetop or electric)Nice extras:
JuicerImmersion (stick) blender
Coffee grinderCoffeemakerRice cookerSlow cookerIce cream makerWhere to stash small appliances

Nesting stainless steel or glass mixing bowlsCookie sheets
Muffin panRolling pinFlour sifterCake panPie panLoaf pan
Medium and large rectangular baking dishes (safe for freezer, oven, microwave and dishwasher)Cookie cuttersBiscuit cutters
Offset spatulaNice extras:
RamekinsPastry cutterPastry scraperCake standMarble pastry boardSpringform cake panPastry bag and tips

StockpotSmall and medium saucepans with lidsDutch oven
Cast iron skilletMedium and/or large skilletNonstick omelet panSteamer or steam basketTeapotNice extras:
Roasting pan with rackButter warmerPan for deep fryingMesh splatter guardLobster pot
Stylish ways to store pots and pans

Oven mittsApron
Dish drying towels (tea towels)
Microfiber cleaning clothsRagsNice extras:
Placemats or tablecloths and napkins for kitchen table

8- or 10-inch chef’s knifeParing knife
Serrated knifeSharpening steel and knife-honing stone, or electric knife sharpener (for maintenance only; all knives need occasional professional sharpening)Cutting boardsKnife holderNice extras:
Carving knifeBoning knifeShellfish opening knife and protective glove
How to buy and store knives

Weights and Measures
Nesting dry measuring cupsLiquid measuring cupMeasuring spoonsInstant-read cooking thermometerKitchen timerNice extras:
Meat thermometerCandy thermometerDigital scale

Storage and Organization
Lidded refrigerator and freezer-safe food storage containersAirtight food storage jars for pantry and countertopCanister to keep frequently used kitchen tools close at handDrawer organizersNice extras:
Silverware caddyCabinet risersBaskets for pantry organizationSmall laundry hamper

General cookbookFavorite cookbooks
Recipe box, binder or tabletCooking conversion chartOptional:
Tablet holderCooking appsWine guideDid we miss anything? Share your own kitchen essentials in the Comments!
More: 10 Checklists for a Well-Stocked Home
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