10 Checklists for a Well-Stocked Home
http://decor-ideas.org 08/28/2014 00:14 Decor Ideas
A well-stocked home can help you handle the little surprises — drop-in guests, dastardly spills — life throws at you with a bit more grace. If you are setting up home for the first time or just want to refresh your space, these 10 checklists will keep you stocked with items you need for almost any occasion.

Reference books. Even today, when you can find so much information online, there is still a place for a few well-chosen reference books in the home library. A trusted reference book can be speedy and satisfying to use, not to mention fun to flip through.
Etiquette guide
Book of quotationsHome improvement manual
DictionaryGood general cookbookCocktail reference book
General home reference book that includes cleaning and stain-removal tipsBook on art historyBook of rules for card games
Encyclopedia of plants and flowersRegional gardening guideHoliday songbook
Create a Place for Books

Correspondence. If you’ve ever had to scramble at the last minute to find a card for a birthday or another occasion, you will appreciate having a collection of cards at your fingertips. Make a point of picking up beautiful cards when you spot them so you are always prepared.
Thank-you notesPersonal stationery printed with your name or monogram, or a signature motif
Forever stampsGood pensBirthday cardsAssorted cards for all occasions (wedding, baby, congratulations, love, graduation)Address book (if you store addresses online, keep a paper copy for backup)
20 of the Coziest Home Offices on Houzz

Home bar. The beauty of a home bar is that you can decide how extensive — or simple — to make it. Want to offer only wine? Choose a house white and red, and buy them by the case. Love offering your guests a full range of cocktails, à la Mad Men? Go for the full setup described below.
Balloon-shaped red-wine glassesWhite-wine glassesBeer glasses
Martini glassesChampagne flutes or coupesHighball glassesOld-fashioned glassesShot glassesCocktail shakerStrainer and stir stick
Bottle openerIce bucket and tongsAn affordable favorite wine (both a red and a white) purchased by the case to save a little cash, to serve as your house wineA selection of quality liquors, such as vodka, gin, scotch, whiskey, bourbon, rum and tequilaMixers and cocktail additions such as vermouth, bitters, club soda, tonic, grenadine, lemons, limes and olives
10 Elements of a Great Home Bar

Birthdays and gifts. Keeping a gift cupboard stocked with go-to gifts and signature wrapping supplies means you will never find yourself showing up at a gathering empty-handed.
Birthday calendar with family members’ and friends’ birthdays recorded (keep a printed one as a backup even if you store birthdays online)Gift wrap, both printed and plainRibbonScissors and tapeGift bags in several sizesPlain shirt boxesTissue paperBirthday candles and matchesBalloons
Hostess gifts, such as candles, soap and tea towels
Signature baby gift, such as a favorite book or lovely knit hatGifts for loved ones purchased as you find them, to avoid last-minute shopping
9 Ultimate Gift Wrapping and Crafts Stations

First-aid supplies. Think of your first-aid supplies in two levels: items for the everyday minor bumps and scrapes and those for the true emergencies. Keep your medicine cabinet (or a basket in the kitchen cupboard) stocked with basic supplies, and have a fully loaded Red Cross first-aid kit ready to grab if needed.
First-aid instruction booklet
Assorted bandagesAntibiotic ointmentOral thermometerAspirin
Antiseptic wipes
Hydrocortisone ointment
Sterile gauze pads
Roller bandagesScissors
TweezersInstant cold compressNonlatex gloves
All-in-one first-aid kit (such as from the Red Cross) to grab and go
Get Organized: First Aid, Emergency and Medical Supply Checklist

Household tool kit. Be prepared for minor repairs and tasks by keeping all of your tools in one place.
Picture hanging kitHammerLevelStud finder
Philips screwdriverFlat-head screwdriverPower screwdriver (if you ever build Ikea furniture, one of these will save you tons of time)Tape measureAdjustable wrenchPliersKitchen shearsLadder
20 Tools Every Homeowner Should Have

Laundry room essentials. Keep your whites white and towels fluffy with the right tools.
Stain-removal chartLaundry detergentMild detergent for hand washablesNonchlorine bleachHydrogen peroxideEnzyme cleaner for pretreating stainsDrying rack for hand-washed items, including a flat mesh-covered space for drying knitsIroning boardIronSweater de-piller (to remove those small balls of fiber that can accumulate on knits)
7-Day Plan: Get a Spotless, Beautifully Organized Laundry Room

Flower-arranging materials. Make arranging those pretty farmer’s market blooms a snap with an array of containers and tools at the ready.
Floral scissorsPruning shears, for snipping branchesMetal florist bucketBud vasesJam jarsMint julep cupsClear glass vases in assorted sizes and shapesFloral frogs for helping position flowers in a vase
Extra-large cylindrical vase for cut branches
Simple Pleasures: Treat Yourself to Cut Flowers

Entertaining arsenal. Host gatherings with style and avoid last-minute store runs by keeping an entertaining cupboard stocked with these essentials.
Unscented tapers, tea lights and votive candlesCandleholdersClassic linen tablecloth for your dining tableCloth dinner napkinsCocktail napkinsWater pitcherExtra salad tongs and serving spoonsTrivetsParty-ready playlistsFolding card table and chairsDessert platesCoffee cups for a crowdPlace cards
How to Arrange Your Room for Entertaining

Guest room. Be ready when guests drop in, even at a moment’s notice, with these essentials tucked away.
Clean sheets that fit your guest bedAir mattress, if you do not have a guest bedExtra blanketsExtra pillowsFresh towels
Alarm clockSoaps and mini toiletriesExtra toothbrush and toothpasteReading lampScented candles and matches
Selection of books and magazinesBottle of water or carafe and glass
Tell us: What essential items did we miss?
More: What to do this month around the house
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