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You Said It: ‘What Do You Want Your Deck to Do?’ and More Quotables

http://decor-ideas.org 08/16/2014 03:13 Decor Ideas 

This week Houzz writers were still helping readers make the most of the warm weather. Perhaps this summer made you realize you’re ready for a deck, or it’s time to tackle your tricky sloped yard — it’s a great time to plan and take advantage of the end of the construction season or start planning for next spring. As for gardening, we looked at ways to extend an edible garden’s bounty and learned about 10 of the best plants to use indoors. We also learned about some new ways to green up urban environments ourselves. In terms of real estate, we dug deeper into how to create and manage a short-term rental and picked up great tips on how to win a bidding war. Here’s a look at some of this week’s highlights.

by Sprout Guerrilla
“The goal is to make it easy to add green to spaces in an artistic and personalized way, regardless of location, design experience or financial means.” — Annie Thornton

This is the coolest thing I saw on Houzz this week — fitting, since greening our cities helps to cool them down. Thornton introduces us to the latest developments in how we average citizens can take on this task. These include ways to create a green roof on a structure that wasn’t built to handle the weight of a standard green roof, and how to “paint” a vertical wall with moss.

Full story: Now Approaching the Emerald City

Contemporary Landscape by Matarozzi Pelsinger Builders
“There are lots of ways to have fun with an uneven landscape.” — Joanna Simmons

Your garden dreams may have been slowed down by your sloped yard, but don’t give up hope. Simmons walks us through banked borders, terraces, zones, vertical gardens and more.

Full Story: 11 Solutions for Sloping Backyards

Rustic Landscape by Robin Amorello, CKD CAPS - Atmoscaper Design
“It’s a superfood, which means it’s appearing in all kind of meals, from main courses to energy shakes.” — Marianne Lipanovich

I can’t hear “Kale is a superfood” without thinking of one of my favorite comedians, who finishes up that phrase with, “And its special power is tasting terrible!” (In kale’s defense, that bit is based upon hating all fruits and vegetables, along with shellfish.) Kale is the trendiest leafy green around, and growing your own will extend your edible garden’s growing system.

Full story: Cool-Season Vegetables: How to Grow Kale

If you’re more of a Swiss chard fan, Lipanovich has you covered: Cool-Season Vegetables: How to Grow Chard

If you’re really digging into this late-summer and early-fall edible growing season, try 9 Ways to Change Up Your Vegetable Garden for the Coming Season.

Eclectic Bathroom by Scheer & Co.
“Many of those who bemoan their black thumbs are delighted to find they have success with pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy.” — Maya Anderson

Houseplants, typically seen swathed in macramé in the 1960s and ’70s, have made a big comeback. Anderson gives us a list of some of the best and easiest houseplants to grow. She presents a range of varieties, from those that will grow to be taller than you to those that can hang out sans soil in a glass globe.

Full story: 10 Top Plants to Grow Indoors

Transitional Deck by William Quarles Photography
“What do you want your deck to do?” — Mitchell Parker

Parker walks us through all things deck — how to figure out what purpose the deck should serve (grilling, lounging, parties, privacy and more), how to think about accessing the deck from the house and the yard, and how it can complement a home’s architecture. He then lists and explains material options and lighting considerations, and answers the big question: what it’s going to cost.

Full story: What to Know About Adding a Deck

Contemporary Living Room by Raji RM & Associates
“I love looking at the expressions of the people in the painting.” — homeowner Raji Radhakrishnan, as told to Mary Jo Bowling

I had noticed this home, full of stop-you-in-your-tracks unique murals, on Houzz and had been dying to know the story behind them. Radhakrishnan’s flair for curating and placing them throughout her home has resulted in a stunning and unexpected look.

Full story: Houzz Tour: A Manor Near D.C. Goes From Suburban Modern to Georgian

Traditional Exterior by Pauli & Uribe Architects
“I don’t care if you send an offer by carrier pigeon, nor do I care if you have similar interests to mine.” — Houzz user jillbeanisme, in the Comments

First of all, “carrier pigeon” made me spit out my coffee when I read it — thanks for making me laugh, jillybeanisme! In this ideabook Christine Tusher assembles great advice from pros on how to get an edge in a bidding war. One real estate pro she interviewed mentions considering a personal touch to create a connection with the sellers, like including a letter expressing how much you appreciate their home.

In the Comments section Houzzers seem split on this. And whenever Houzzers seem split over an issue, I know it’s going to get interesting. I have to say, I get flyers with pictures of families on them wanting to buy my house from time to time (it’s not for sale; my neighborhood is hot right now), and I find it bizarre. Especially since I know those people in the photos behind the smiling faces likely want to tear my house down to put up yet another out-of-place McMansion. Hmmm … maybe I would be swayed by a personal note that promised not to tear the house down? I don’t know!

Full story: Tips for Winning a Bidding War in a Hot Home Market

Contemporary Short term rentals
“And, now that there’s money to be made in short-term rentals, people are considering new ideas about design and the act of sharing their spaces with visitors.” — Mary Jo Bowling

Renting out to short-term renters is a huge trend that has sent hotel owners scrambling for lobbyists. Get the skinny from three different short-term landlords — a woman who offers a separate apartment within her own home, an executive at a company that manages rentals for homeowners and a couple who rents out a guesthouse on their property. They offer great advice based on their experiences, regarding setting up (including what types of fabrics and art to use), paying taxes, getting insurance and permits, prepping the neighbors and many other issues you’ll want to consider.

Full story: Considering Renting to Vactioners? Read This First

Contemporary Bathroom by AR Design Studio Ltd
“Search for [reclaimed-wood] panels in salvage yards — even a small section would contrast strikingly with slick, modern bathroom fittings.” — Ruth Garner

This article is full of great ideas for using reclaimed wood, including doors, white oiled wood, headboards, a light fixture and more. However, it was this stunning bathroom, built in a former stable, that was unlike anything I’d ever seen before.

Full story: Bring in Warmth and Character With Reclaimed Wood

Eclectic Dining Room by Amy Neunsinger
“The Prairie is Ashwell’s decorating playground, where she is free to experiment with new decorating ideas.” — Laura Gaskill

I was a full-on Shabby Chic devotee for about five years, and the TV show was one of my favorites — it always made me feel happy and calm. While I’ve traded in the chippy paint for high gloss since then, I still love to follow what Shabby Chic founder and coiner of the term Rachel Ashwell is up to. Her bed-and-breakfast in Round Top, Texas, looks like a dreamy place to stay, particularly when the antiques fair is going on.

Full story: Catching Up With the Queen of Shabby Chic

Did something on Houzz strike a chord with you this week? Please share it with us in the Comments section.

URL: You Said It: ‘What Do You Want Your Deck to Do?’ and More Quotables http://decor-ideas.org/cases-view-id-24471.html
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