Houzz Call: Show Us Your Summer-Loving Dog!
http://decor-ideas.org 07/06/2014 02:13 Decor Ideas
A great thing happens when you invite people to share stories and photos about their dogs. The outpouring of comments about their special bonds will make you sincerely laugh or seriously cry — or shake your head because you can recall a similar time when your dog created an equally shocking mess.
A year ago we asked Houzz users to share stories about their pups. Now that summer is upon us, we’d like to celebrate everyone’s best friends again.
Please post your favorite picture of your dog enjoying the warm weather at home, in your studio, or in your backyard. We’ll feature some of the best in an upcoming featured ideabook on our homepage. (Now if only all that tail wagging could cool our homes.)
Now here’s a dog who knows how to enjoy summertime. “A boxer’s job is to make people laugh every day,” says user sacapuntaslapioz. Job well done.
Eldin here loves acting as first mate during warm days on the water. “But don’t tell him that,” says Houzz user jlplatts, Eldin’s owner. “He thinks he’s the captain.”
Inspector Stanley Boosch doesn’t have to worry about summer sunshine getting in his eyes. “He’s my constant companion and never fails to bring a smile to my face and others’,” says Darren Foster.
“Luna, my bi-eyed beauty,” says owner mdannemann, “thinks she is one of the kids. She loves the water; we can’t keep her out of the pool or shower. And she loves car rides.” Not a bad way to cool off.
Your turn: Post your best photo of your dog enjoying summer in the Comments below! Those that best capture the spirit of summer around the home, office or workshop will be featured in an upcoming ideabook.
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