Binge on the Design of ‘House of Cards’ 02/19/2014 23:23 Decor Ideas
So, ’fess up: Who else binged on all of season two of House of Cards on Netflix this past weekend? Once I started, I couldn’t stop. Don’t worry; you won’t find any spoiler alerts here. I will only say a theme of ruthless pragmatism continues through the entire season. As I watched all of the merciless machinations of Frank and Claire Underwood and their adversaries, I also took careful notice of the subdued sets and fashion choices — every one was made with the same kind of cunning. If you’ve got your own thick political plot brewing, make sure you’ve got a window perch where you can share a smoke with your partner in crime, and follow these tips.

Buy a tastefully appointed Italianate townhouse where you can hone all of your dastardly schemes.

If you have high political aspirations, express your preference for modern and minimalist style through fashion, not your home.
The minimalism shows through in how spare the Underwoods’ townhouse is, but their decor choices have a more traditional Washington, D.C., look: a neutral color palette, elegant and subdued fabrics, brass lamps, dark wood trim, gold frames, light fixtures appropriate to their mid-1800s townhouse and a bit of tufting here and there. The Underwoods’ style is new traditionalist.

A setting like this would be appropriate for a revealing TV interview. Don’t worry; you can always subvert the whole traditionalist thing subtly with an asymmetrical neckline.

If you must, express your more modern tastes in the kitchen. French Tolix stools, industrial-inspired metal pendants and sleek appliances combined with classic Shaker cabinets, subway tile and a black and bone-white color palette give the Underwoods’ kitchen a vintage-modern look.

Pick your art pieces carefully. Artwork plays an important role in reflecting your image around the office. Putting your extramarital lover’s work all over the walls is not the best choice.

Always have a piece of art from your political district. Congresswoman Jacqueline Sharp has a Golden Gate bridge piece in the most prominent position over her desk.
Also, if you are an elected official, apparently you must have that bowl on her desk (see it again in the next photo). Other acceptable accessories include urns, clocks, porcelain tea sets with gold trim, equestrian trumpet lamps and busts of great leaders.
A mirror that reflects a grand chandelier is a big plus for shooting TV shows; the trick is used often in Frank’s office and living room.

Frank Underwood’s carefully curated art pieces and their placement are the most telling. The most personal touch in his office is hard to see. It’s a photo of the Peachoid in Gaffney, South Carolina. Anyone who has ever driven down I-85 has seen this butt-shaped water tower, and it was even a large bone of contention in season one. (I myself have even pulled off the exit, following the ridiculous “To View Peach sign” on the way back from a Clemson game.)

If you have the most stressful job in the world, make sure your office has a comfy sofa for nap time.

Keep your whipping count mounted just beyond tasteful Chippendale furniture. You may keep a framed whip on the wall only if you currently serve or previously served as a political whip.

When you need to keep a meeting more relaxed or get away from your stressors, decamp to a rustic spot in the woods that has a huge fieldstone fireplace.

As for the nonpoliticos who go up against the politicians on the show, I’ve learned a few things: 1. If you’re affiliated with the Underwoods in any way, invest in blackout window treatments …

… and 2. If you want to be a ruthless businessman, don’t be distracted by an opulent office. Keep a modest office in the Midwest, with a low ceiling and artifacts your wife picked up around the world. Make sure that anecdotes about said objects can be used to thinly veil threats.
Tell us: Have you picked up any design tips from the sets of House of Cards? Were you able to space out the episodes, or did you binge, like I did? Let us know in the Comments section.
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