Guest Picks: Bright Ideas for Fun Light Switches 02/15/2014 23:22 Decor Ideas
A search for decorative light switch covers yields many, many — oh, so many — results. Sure, you can match any room with polka dots, chevrons, damask, stripes or flowers. There are whole shops devoted to switch plates in every theme imaginable, from birds to food to sports to religion. But what about those truly unique light switch covers that let you add just a bit of crazy or geeky to your room? Just a bit. Though I can’t be sure what else is in the room — maybe crazy or geeky already overwhelms the space, and one of these will be just the right finishing touch. Here are some clever light switches that will really catch your eye and get your guests talking. — Meaghan from The Decorated Cookie

Power-Up Arcade Light Switch Plate - $14.99 No way! This is a joystick–turned–light switch plate. My ’80s self says, “Yes, please!”

Building Brick Light Switch Plate - $9.99 “Never stop playing. Never,” says this Lego-style light switch plate.

Antler Double Switch Plate Light Cover by Pixel 3D - $40 Proudly display that antler rack you, er, got on Etsy. Plus, it holds stuff.

Planetary Gear Light Switch Plate by Green Tree Jewelry - $44.95 Holy moley, the intricate gears and fulcrums and all kinds of hand-crafted mechanical light switch covers in this Etsy shop are simply stunning. They’re a must for mechanical engineers (if that’s what a mechanical engineer does).

Distressed Wood Fairy Hobbit Door Outlet by Bryn & Jeremiah’s Handmade - $41.50 Fairy door outlet covers are the most magical idea yet. You may want to put a teeny, tiny “Warning: High Voltage” sign on the door so the fairies don’t get zapped.

Cubic Switch Plate, White - $5.50 Whoa. Mind. Blown. I mean, kind of. But it does take a minute to realize that the switch isn’t actually centered.

Mustard NG5046 Mood Lighting Stickers, Set of 12 - $6.97 For the less committed, these fun decals are removable.

Wood Octopus Switch Plate by Graphic Spaces - $28 The beautiful wood switch plates in this Etsy shop also come in shark, owl and rocket ship designs.

Girl Swinging Vinyl Decal Light Switch by Jessica Sweets - $4 The actual switch plate isn’t for sale here, but the girl swinging from the tree that grows from your switch plate is.

Rainbow Wood Light Switch Plate Cover by Crazy 8Z Decor - $6.99 It's wood. It's rainbow. It's awesome.

Breezy Pink Glitter Switch Plate and Outlet Cover by Electrik Krayon - $10 If you need a little disco, a little razzle-dazzle, a little pizzazz in your life, try these glitter covers; they come in all kinds of sparkly colors.

2Hang Toggle Switch Plate - $12.95 Form and function — I’m all about the practical. Where are my keys? Turn on the light to look. Ah, there they are.

Light Cover Stickers, Cat & Dog by Little Playground - $5.99 Forgive me, but I must ooh and ahh over the light switch cuteness here. Ooh. Ahh.

Mustache Outlet Vinyl Stickers, Set of 24 - $7.99 I mustache you a question: Are your outlets silly?

Redhead Gunslinger Pinup Cowgirl Pink Light Switch Cover by Modern Switch - $12 This Etsy shop has a jillion covers to suit your fancy, but I think the pinup cowgirl is just the right one.

Star Wars Luke/Vader Switch Cover by Keep Calm & Turn it On - $6.50 You have to choose a side. You just have to.

Ouchlet Outlet Covers, Set of 4 - $3.49 Ouch! The bandage tells kids to watch out. (Or maybe it says, “Come here and play with me.")

Rooster Double Light Switch Plate Cover - $14 There are quite a few silhouette designs from this company — not just roosters — though the maker seems to prefer horses, the woods and the West.

Glow in the Dark Light Switch Sticker Cover Kit, Set of 3 - $5.95 Why not decorate your own monsters?

Magenta Laying Monster Light Switch Vinyl Wall Decal by Tessa Rath - $6.83 What could be better than monster art? I’m not sure, either — maybe monster art lazing on your light switch.

Monster Light Switch Plate by Pinned & Sewtured - $12 Hmm, monsters seem to be a theme here. This one makes your room warmer, what with the fuzzy thing. Right?
Next: Homeowners Are Flipping for Push-Button Light Switches
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