10 Steps to a Happier Weekend
http://decor-ideas.org 02/15/2014 03:22 Decor Ideas
Two days off never feels like quite enough, does it? Between home projects, cleaning, errands and social engagements, Sunday night can arrive quite suddenly, and with a major letdown. Striking the right balance between preparing for the week ahead and actually feeling as though you had a weekend is a delicate art, but it can be done. By starting with a Saturday-morning kickoff that gets you into the weekend mood, finding your weekend high point and creating closure on Sunday evening, you can give your weekend shape — and feel satisfied with what you’ve accomplished as well as rested and ready for a new week. These 10 ideas will help make any weekend work better for you.
1. Kick off the weekend right. When you come home on Friday, first hide all evidence of work and other stressors. Put bills in a drawer, tuck your work bag and shoes in the closet and clear away other clutter. The goal is to be able to wake on Saturday morning to a house that feels weekend-ready, not with remnants of your undone work projects and to-do lists lying about.
Next think of all of the things you would like to do over the weekend. Consider both the “have-to-do’s,” like events you are committed to attending, and basic chores that need doing, as well as “want-to-do’s,” like home projects, fun outings, hobbies and treats. It’s really easy to overestimate what can be accomplished in a single weekend — so weed out some items from your list now.
2. Indulge on Saturday morning. If your weekday mornings are a rush, indulge yourself on Saturday morning by sleeping in, lounging in bed or (if you’re a morning person) getting up to enjoy a little yoga or to simply sit in a sunny window with your mug of coffee or tea. Have a real breakfast. Don’t worry about anything you have to do until after your morning routine is done.
3. Save up Saturday treats. Try to gather up a few small but special items each week and keep them in reserve for Saturday. A tin of special tea, fresh croissants picked up from the bakery on Friday evening, a bar of fancy chocolate, a bouquet of flowers, a stack of new library books — anticipation makes the pleasure even greater.
4. Schedule serenity. Even 10 minutes here, a half an hour there, can make a huge difference in the way you feel. You don’t need to meditate to gain serenity (but go for it if you want to!); lie down and listen to music, read a favorite magazine, sip some tea or hang out on your porch.
5. Set a work-home boundary. It seems next to impossible these days to completely disconnect from the online world — but, hard as it may be, setting some limits is essential for a happy, healthy weekend.
If you must touch base with work, set aside a few specific (short) pockets of time to do that during the weekend, and put thoughts of the office away the rest of the time. If you enjoy browsing online for leisure, it can also be helpful to set some limits — it’s all too easy to get lost in an Internet rabbit hole for hours on end.
6. Pick a weekend high point. This could be a big home project you’ve been wanting to tackle, like building a playhouse or painting a room, or it could be a social event like a party or date night. A great weekend tends to have one high point — two or three major events or projects will only leave you feeling exhausted.
7. Cook a double dinner. On Sunday, or whenever during the weekend you find yourself with some downtime at home, consider cooking an extra dinner. It could be a big-batch dish with leftovers for the next night, or something that can be easily doubled and frozen for a busy night later in the week. There’s nothing quite like good smells coming from the kitchen to make a weekend feel complete.
8. Go through a Sunday-evening checklist. Preferably before dinner (or while it’s cooking), go through a short list of tasks to get your home in shape and yourself ready for the week ahead. There’s no need to run yourself ragged cleaning, but if you hit these main areas, things will be in shape for the new week:
Garbage and recycling outLaundry folded and put awayClean sheets on the bed
Clean towels in the bathroom
Dishes done and put awayFloors and surfaces cleanEntry decluttered
9. Create weekend closure. By Sunday dinnertime it’s time to begin closing the book on the weekend. Let yourself off the hook for anything that didn’t get done. Draw yourself a hot bath and soak until your fingers get pruney.
10. Set a positive intention for the week ahead. Before heading to bed on Sunday night, give a little thought to hopes for the coming week. Think of something positive to look forward to, pick out a fun outfit for Monday and set an intention to enjoy and appreciate your day-to-day life.
Tell us: What’s your weekend strategy? Do you stick with any routines, or do you wing it?
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