Houzz Call: Who'll Post the First Snow Photo of 2013?
http://decor-ideas.org 11/23/2013 23:40 Decor Ideas
Even down here in Atlanta, it's cold outside today! This marked the first week that a lot of you saw this winter's first snowflakes, and I know some of you had serious snowfall weeks ago. It's coming down very early this year. What is the first thing you do when it gets cold outside? Who has already fired up the woodstove? Have any of you had enough snow accumulate to pull out the sleds, ski parkas, boots and the dreaded shovels? Have you added the down comforter or a favorite quilt to your bed? Let's share our cold-weather-prep notes. Please chime in and let us know where you live, the temperature as you write, whether or not you've seen snow yet and, if so, how many inches.
If you've had snow already, please post a recent photo of your house in the snow in the Comments section below. Include where you live and how much snow you've had so far.
Are you prepared for the cold? You don't want to be caught without salt, wood or shovels when you need them. What do you do to prepare for the season?
For those of you with outdoor fireplaces, are you still firing them up, or has the season passed until spring? Do you still use your fireplace when there is snow on the ground?
We also would love to see how the snow looks in your garden this year, so please share those photos, too.
When the kids are home from school on a snow day, what kinds of activities do they enjoy? How do you get ready for those unexpected school cancellations?
Snowflakes where you are? Post a photo below and tell us your favorite way to cozy up when the temperature drops.
More: Get Prepared for Winter's Wonderful Ways
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