Simple Pleasures: The Art of Lounging 11/23/2013 21:20 Decor Ideas
Resting, loafing, lounging, daydreaming ... whatever you want to call it, do you do enough of it? If not, I heartily recommend that you begin. It's impossible to keep up a constant stream of work and activity — we all need time to slow down.
Downtime is often when our best ideas percolate, and it gives our bodies and minds a chance to breathe. Are you ready to sink into the weekend with some serious lounging? Here are 12 irresistible ways to experience relaxation at home.

1. Daydream. Far from being unproductive, daydreaming is an essential practice for developing creative ideas. Let your mind wander, but (and this is key) purposely linger on the positive thoughts and see where they lead; daydreaming is not about ruminating over your problems. Explore your passions. Imagine anything is possible.
Style idea: A hanging chair, either inside or out, is a great place to relax in while coming up with creative ideas.

2. Get back in bed. I mean really, why not? Put your work and your phone aside. Give yourself permission to enjoy a little time at home just for you. Prop yourself up on a bunch of pillows and sip your coffee in bed. Stare out the window. Stretch. If you have kids, bargain with your partner to take turns taking care of them early in the morning so the other can have coffee in bed.
Style ideas: Create a serene mood in the bedroom with simple blue and white bedding, soft neutral walls, cushy carpeting and a squashy Moroccan leather pouf at the foot of the bed.

3. Read. If you're anything like me, a quick sweep around the house will turn up a towering stack of books and magazines you've been meaning to read. Go get them. Carry the teetering tower to your bed or your favorite chair and crack open something that looks interesting. If you usually use an e-reader, try reading something on paper — give your eyes a break from all of that screen time.

4. Loaf. Here are the rules of loafing: Wear something comfortable. PJs are preferred, but if you might have to answer the door, I suggest yoga pants and a cashmere sweater. Make sure you are feeling nice and cozy. Grab a cuddly throw or even the duvet from your bed if it's really chilly. Head to the couch. Hunker in. Don't get up unless absolutely necessary.
Style ideas: The best sofas for lounging have low arms (better for lying down) and thick, comfortable cushions. An upholstered ottoman rather than a wooden coffee table is ideal for putting your feet on, and lots of extra pillows in a range of textures will delight the senses.

5. Sit outside. In the late fall and winter especially, it's easy to go for days without really getting outdoors. But fresh air is important for our bodies, and even a bit of cold air can be bracing and good. Open your windows for 10 minutes or sit outside if you have a yard or patio. Take some deep breaths.
Style idea: Add a console table to your outdoor living space. It would be a bit unexpected, and would be the perfect spot for your watering can ... or a tray of snacks.

6. Take a bath. Is there anything as restorative as a hot bath? I recommend adding a few drops of pure essential oils (smell them in the store to see which ones you like) to enhance the experience. If you're feeling adventurous, you could try a variation of the Scandinavian tradition of alternating cold with hot by jumping in a cold shower for a minute, then returning to your hot bath. It's supposed to be great for giving the immune system a boost.

7. Have a special cup of tea. Usually go for a run-of-the-mill teabag? Try a fancy loose-leaf variety or make yourself a tisane with fresh herbs. Or just pull out the fancy cups instead of your regular old mug. Haven't had that bath yet? Make yourself a pot of tea and bring it into the bath on a nice little tray to enjoy as you soak.
Style idea: Tiny Moroccan tea glasses are lovely and work well for much more than tea. Get a matched set or collect a mishmash, and use them for wine, juice and more. They look beautiful stored together on a tray or on open shelving.

8. Meditate. Have you tried meditation? If it sounds intimidating, don't let that stop you from trying it — just start small. Try one or two minutes of focusing solely on your breath.
Style ideas: A serene corner invites contemplation. Clear away all superfluous clutter and keep the decor simple. Try a floor cushion or low bench, floaty curtains and a plant.

9. Arrange your favorite objects. There is something soothing about making a small corner of your home a bit more beautiful. Arrange natural objects like stones or shells in a pattern, or line them up on a windowsill. Swap out the pictures in some of your frames, bring out a bunch of tea lights or arrange flowers in bud vases.
Style idea: Collect interesting natural items as you find them — pretty stones, feathers, shells and seedpods can make the beginning of many interesting displays.

10. Pay attention to your pet. In the rush of busy days, it can be easy to neglect petting our furry friends as much as they deserve. Spending a few minutes playing with your dog or letting kitty curl up on your lap will do you both good!

11. Listen to music. When was the last time you put on music just to listen to it? I mean, not music in the background while you're cleaning or working out, but just music for its own sake? Put on music you love and just sit, eyes closed if you like, and savor it.

12. Rest. If you can easily drift off in the middle of the day, it's likely because you are short on sleep. It's important for your health and well-being to give yourself permission to catch up ... so go take a nap!
Tell us: Do you make time for lounging, loafing and daydreaming? Where is your preferred spot for fully relaxing at home?
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