Styling Basics: 8 Favorite Accessories to Finish Your Space 08/19/2013 22:20 Decor Ideas
Wonder what gives a room that really finished look? The key lies in the judicious use of a few favorite accessories. These are the types of objects that decorators and stylists reach for again and again. Read up on eight of the best accessories to give your space polish, along with foolproof combinations you can use with confidence.
1. Books. Books instantly warm up and personalize a room. If a surface is crying out for some interest, try adding a stack of books — or just one great big coffee table book. If the dust jacket is too busy or has colors that clash with your decor, remove it.
Foolproof combo: Books + small items. Probably the quickest and easiest way to style a table is with a stack of two or three books, topped with a trio of small objects. Keep in mind that they shouldn't be too fussy or heavy, otherwise actually reading the books will become impossible!
Foolproof combo: Bookcase + color-coded books. Designers have been arranging books by color as a fun and quirky way to style a bookcase for a few years now, sometimes to the horror of book lovers. Try it, though. You may be surprised at how easily you remember where a certain book is based on the color of its cover.
2. Small objects. A favorite of decorators the world over — and the bane of organizers and neatniks, small decorative objects should be used in moderation. Choose pieces you love for their aesthetic value, because they have meaning for you and because they serve a useful purpose.
Foolproof combo: Small objects in a bowl. Give small items, like seashells, balls or river stones, more presence by placing them in a bowl. You probably don't need to buy a bowl — just look in your kitchen cupboards or china hutch for something you are not using.
3. Plants. To me, a room doesn't feel finished without a living plant. There is something cheering and welcoming about a vibrant green-leafed plant that makes a space feel more like home. Read up on houseplants and choose plants that will do well in the light conditions of your room for the best results.
Foolproof combo: Fiddle leaf fig tree + basket. A decorator favorite, the fiddle leaf fig has an elegant shape and big, luxurious leaves. The texture of a woven basket makes a great pairing with this tree — place a pot and saucer inside the basket, and boost it up on an empty pot if you want to fake a taller look.
4. Bookends. Beautiful and sculptural, think of bookends as little works of art you can use. Place a pair on your dresser top, kitchen counter or in the nursery.
Foolproof combo: Credenza + bookends + books + lamp. Style a credenza in the living or dining room with a table lamp and a small selection of books sandwiched between bookends. Arrangements usually look best in odd-numbered groups, so try adding a third item, like a clock or tray, to finish the look.
5. Chunky objects. Too many small items can look cluttered and fussy. Ground your arrangements and make a bold statement with a big chunky vase, jar or basket.
Foolproof combo: Chunky basket + wood. Stock up on firewood and fill a bare corner with this favorite decorator finishing touch. Choose a big, hefty basket with a strong shape, and fill it to nearly brimming over with chopped firewood.
6. Picture frames. Statement artwork has its place, but a few smaller photos and bits of artwork go a long way toward making a home feel cozy and personal. Bear in mind, you do not need to keep every little picture on display at all times — rotate, rotate, rotate! Store what is not currently being used in a drawer and pull out new pieces when you get bored.
Foolproof combo: Picture rail + small frames. Feeling a little cautious about doing a full gallery wall? Get your feet wet with a simple picture rail instead. No matter what you put on it, it's bound to look great ... and you can change it on a whim.
7. Trays. There is not a room in the house that couldn't make good use of a tray. Try one on your bedside table, in the kitchen corralling the spices, in the bathroom for toiletries, in the entry for mail or on your coffee table for books and candles.
Foolproof combo: Tray + books + small, medium and tall objects. Start with a small pile of books on your tray. Place a small object (the size of a big seashell) on top. Next to the books, place a medium and a tall object, like a medium-sized candle and a tall vase with flowers.
8. Tall objects. Tall objects are a home stylist's secret weapon. They can draw attention away from something unsightly (like the TV) and fill in visual gaps, like that space between your bedside table and the top of your headboard. Try a tall, narrow vase filled with blooming branches, a potted topiary or tall candlesticks.
Foolproof combo: TV + artwork + tall object. Draw the eye away from the big black box by hanging artwork on the wall around and above it. Finish the job by placing a nice tall decorative item to one side of the TV.
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