Say 'I Do' to Beautiful Wedding Memory Displays 08/19/2013 15:35 Decor Ideas
I was recently decorating for a young couple celebrating their first wedding anniversary. In the process of sorting through their wedding photos, I considered ways to remember a wedding day besides pictures or video. I wanted to come up with some simple and inexpensive design ideas that featured wedding details.
There are so many wonderful things to celebrate and memories to preserve. If you have recently celebrated your big day, give some of these ideas a try. And please share with us ways in which you have included wedding-day memories in your home.
Wedding art. Look for local artists or artists on websites like Etsy that make personalized art. I love this paper heart idea. Ask the artist to make the heart from a newspaper from your wedding day or a pamphlet from your ceremony. A wedding-day newspaper can also be used as matting for a black and white wedding photo.
Wedding vignette. Along with that beautiful wedding photo, include a candle from the wedding day, a box for saved favors or something special from the ceremony in your vignette.
Accessories. Have your wedding photos made into stationery or desk accessories. Several online sources provide personalized ideas.
Wedding photos in everyday spaces. Include photos in unexpected places, such as the kitchen.
Wedding outfits. Create a collage that includes whimsical wedding attire. The wedding outfits may or may not be real, but the reference still works as a wedding memory.
Wedding-day meal. Designate a night once a month or every other month for cooking your wedding menu. If you really want to go all out, use your wedding china, serve a small version of your wedding cake and don't forget the champagne.
Wedding jewelry. If you wore special jewelry on your big day that may be a bit much for everyday fashions, display it instead. It's fun to display costume jewelry this way (but keep the good stuff somewhere safe). This is another cute use of a dress form; you can display jewelry or hair accessories on it.
Wedding pillows. Have extra fabric or tulle from your wedding decorations? Use it to make pillows or pom-poms.
Hatboxes. Stack hatboxes that hold mementos like your veil, written wedding vows or a handkerchief.
Wedding dress. With the cost of wedding dresses these days, why store yours away in the closet all the time? Go ahead: Display your wedding dress on a vintage dress form. A wedding dress or suit can be nicely displayed this way in a discreet corner or a guest room.
Plant a climbing rose. Have a gardener or garden-savvy friend plant a climbing rose on your wedding day. This can also be done in containers if you live in an apartment or a home with a small yard. You'll enjoy watching it grow more beautiful with every anniversary.
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