Go Tropical the Easy Way With Bromeliads
Step into the fascinating world of bromeliads and become acquainted with a family of unique tropical plants that can make a stunning centerpiece for your table or a sophisticated decorative statement elsewhere.
Most bromeliads have dramatic, long-lasting blooms, and some have brilliantly colored foliage as well. These plants are praised for their ability to readily adapt to the unfavorable growing conditions that exist in most homes and offices, on account of their low light needs and drought tolerance. So it's no surprise that they've become a popular gift.
To top it all off, not only are bromeliads a beautiful and relatively long-lasting alternative to a costly cut-flower arrangement, but they also release oxygen and remove toxins (after dark, like orchids and succulents), making them ideal in bedrooms or combined with other day-purifying foliage houseplants for around-the-clock toxin removal.

A single Vriesea bromeliad in bloom with its flat sword-like bract has a subtle exotic style, making it the perfect companion to a sculptural red stool in the distance.
Although many bromeliads are epiphytic, meaning they grow on branches and trunks of trees or on rocks in their native habitat, most can be grown in containers. Not surprisingly, bromeliads are members of a plant family known as Bromeliaceae, of which the pineapple is the most well-known member.

Here the variety Aechmea weilbachii, which has a brilliant red stem with purple blooms, is a beautiful complement to the delicate lavender mosaic tiles.
Bromeliad blooms can last from two to three months or longer, given ideal conditions. Bromeliads do not rebloom, but as a consolation, they will produce a small “pup” plant at their base within two years of blooming, which can slowly grow to become the next generation.

Once the bromeliad bloom dies, the plant itself can still be enjoyed for its long green leaves and rosette growth formation. A black pot serves as a perfect foil for these bright green leaves and ties together a room with other black accents.

Bromeliads grouped together in an oblong container bring a timeless taste of the tropics to this streamlined architectural space. The Guzmania rana blooms seen here closely resemble that of the ginger plant, so despite the plant's South American origins, it actually looks very Asian and is a nice complement to the shoji-screen-inspired windows.
While interest in bromeliads seems to have risen lately, growing bromeliads became a hobby in the mid-1800s, often among those with a passion for raising orchids, as collectors could not distinguish bromeliads from the desired orchids in their natural habitat and mistakenly gathered both.

A jaw-dropping living wall of bromeliads is an aspiration for a serious collector. You can do something similar on a much smaller scale, and even indoors, once you become well acquainted with the needs of the bromeliad species you'd like to feature.
In the meantime, try combining different types and colors of bromeliads into one widemouthed and low pot to produce a striking arrangement.

Placed on a side table in a long hallway, a single bromeliad is perfectly paired with a sculptural eye-catching pot that brings attention to the rich decorative elements in its proximity.

Bromeliads require only enough dirt to anchor their roots, so you can make arrangements in unusual containers that wouldn't be suitable for other soil-loving plants. You can also create a natural landscape look with an arrangement of rocks, so that bromeliads appear to be growing between the cracks.

A grouping of four bromeliad plants in a single tapered container is nicely proportioned and an elegant addition to this neutral dining area. The brilliant red bromeliad blooms balance the red clouds in the painting such that the eye dances between the painting and the centerpiece, creating a subtle sense of action in an otherwise silent space.

Outdoors, bromeliads are often planted in a bed of stones, a look you can certainly duplicate indoors with a large, low planter. Here, the low-lying bloom of the Nidularium is particularly stunning amid the apple-green leaves.

Get creative with bromeliads by combining them with other plants. Here the Aechmea bromeliad is combined with the foxtail fern for dramatic results. Indoors you can use any combination of bromeliads effectively at the base of a tall tropical tree of any kind, keeping in mind the different watering needs of each species.
The Aechmea is one of the most resilient and longest lasting of bromeliads. The large, beautiful plant features a striking light-pink bract that can last up to six months, and the mother plant and her offspring can be relatively easy to keep for many years.
How to Care for Your Bromeliad
Temperature: Bromeliads tolerate a wide range of temperatures, with an ideal range of 55 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (13 to 29 degrees Celsius).
Light: Bright, filtered or indirect sunlight is best, though the plants are generally tolerant of low-light conditions. Varieties with thick grayish leaves prefer bright light, while those with thin green leaves prefer lower light. The common houseplant varieties, Nidularium, Vrieseas and Guzmania, are native to the vast canopies of tropical rain forests and are able to survive in low-light conditions.
Water: The plants are extremely drought tolerant, though it's ideal to keep the soil evenly moist or let it reach mostly dry between waterings. Do not overwater or allow the plant roots to stand in water. Tank-type bromeliads have a natural reservoir that can hold water in the "cup" at the top of the rosette or in the leaf axils at the base. To prevent stagnation and mineral salt buildup, if you provide water in this way, flush these areas by pouring fresh water over the plant, inverting and filling again. If this seems difficult, provide water via the soil; your plant won't be quite as happy but will receive the water it needs. Water quality is important — use tap water for soil watering, and rain, distilled or reverse-osmosis-filtered water for the tanks.
Soil: Nonalkaline, but most important well-draining, soil is imperative to avoid root rot.
Feeding: Not necessary, though to speed the growth of pups (see "propagation," below), slow-release fertilizer is most efficient. A half-strength mixture of liquid fertilizer can be placed into the cup no more than once per month.
General: Blooms will last longest when the temperature is cool and light levels are low to medium. Not all bromeliads grow well indoors, though many do. Beginners are advised to start with a mature and tolerant variety that is just beginning to bloom. After gaining experience, consider more difficult varieties and start propagating your own plants.
Propagation: Once blooming is complete, the mother plant will produce small pup plants on the outer perimeter of its base. A bromeliad is a very slow-growing plant. The pups will take about six months to grow to approximately one-third the size of the mother plant. When the pups reach that size, separate them from the mother plant. Allow the young plants to grow for at least six more months, after which time they could be mature enough to bloom.
Other Considerations
Air purification: While most common indoor plants purify the air during the day, bromeliads release oxygen and remove air pollutants during the night. When combined with foliage plants, bromeliads can help provide indoor air purification around the clock.
Cautions: None. Bromeliads are considered to be nontoxic.
Native environment: South America, from Mexico to Brazil.
Great tip for bromeliad enthusiasts: Bromeliads can be made to bloom by exposing them to ethylene gas. Place your bromeliad in a clear plastic bag with a ripe apple. Seal the bag well and do not open or remove the plant for two weeks. The apple will give off the ethylene gas, and the bromeliad should flower in two to four months.