Houzz Call: Show Us Your Pet Projects!
http://decor-ideas.org 07/22/2013 14:10 Decor Ideas
We've been noticing some fun outdoor features built just for pets around Houzz lately, which makes us want to know what kinds of pet projects you've been working on. A new bath for Fido? A fresh catmint plant for Fluffy? A new chicken coop? Please snap a photo and share your work with us in the Comments section at the bottom of the page. If the photo shows your pet enjoying the fruits of your labor, all the better!

Houzz user daveyola inspired this Houzz Call with a survey in the Discussions section, asking if we thought the Dog Peek was "awesome or ridiculous." I voted awesome; see more photos and cast your own vote.

These clever bubble windows allow dogs to get a peek next door without digging a hole. Just make sure your neighbors are cool with a new fence window protruding into their yard before cutting a hole.
Find Dog Peek purchasing information here

My pets have always seemed to enjoy drinking water from everywhere but their own bowls. This bubbling fountain recirculates under the ground and provides a refreshing oasis for a pup during the day.

A dog's house is his castle, but doghouses can be a bit of an eyesore. Not the case with Theo's; he is way into sustainable design. This green-minded dog insisted that designer Chad Smith create an ecofriendly shelter. A recycled drainpipe and planted roof make sure Theo is treading lightly on the earth.
See the house that goes with this doghouse

Where do you wash your pups? This outdoor shower can work for people and dogs because of the handheld nozzle.
Please share your pet projects with us in the Comments section below. Your photo may be used in a future featured ideabook!
More: 50 Dog Photos Worth a Wag
8 Backyard Ideas to Delight Your Dog
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