5 Tips to Wake Up Faster and More Happily
http://decor-ideas.org 07/22/2013 09:50 Decor Ideas
I am not a morning person. Whereas my husband and son both bounce out of bed without so much as a longing glance at the covers, I hit the snooze button until the last possible second, then sleepwalk toward the coffeepot and the shower, in that order. Try to speak to me before I've had my first cup, and you'll get an incoherent mumble at best (we won't talk about the worst).
So why, you may wonder, am I advising you on the art of waking up? Well, I have a pretty good handle on what works; I just don't follow it. But if you have more willpower than I do, try these tactics to dive into the morning routine with barely a ripple.

1. Choose a happy wall color. Ever try to shake off the cobwebs in a dark purple or mossy-green bedroom? Pick a color that reflects light and seems to glow from within. Sunny yellow is the obvious choice, but think butter, not taxicab — you don't want to be shocked awake when the sun slips over the horizon.
How color may also help you get a good sleep

Pale, rosy pinks such as this one glow like your own private sunrise.

2. Go for lots of natural light. Your body relies on light as its cue to snap into gear. The more windows you have near your bed, the better. If you live in a secluded setting such as this, you can leave them bare so as not to block a speck of sun; just be sure that your outdoor surroundings are dark enough not to keep you awake at night.

If you want more privacy or need to filter streetlights, try this high-tech solution: motorized shades. You can activate them by remote control from a reclining position or put them on a timer.

3. Place your alarm clock somewhere pleasant. If I had that view to wake up to, I might look forward to the alarm's going off. (Well, OK, not really. But it's a nice thought.) Place your alarm clock on a windowsill or in front of a favorite piece of art — something that stimulates those half-open eyes.

4. Consider a coffee bar. Aside from the incredibly luxurious feeling of strolling across the room to make yourself an espresso, the scent of brewing coffee can lure even the most die-hard sleepers out from beneath the sheets. You don't need a built-in kitchenette — slip in a pretty table to house the coffeemaker and place a basket underneath for sugar, spoons and nonperishable creamer.

5. Set up a reading nook. Whether you scan stock prices on your smart phone, browse a blog or curl up with a magazine, a few minutes of reading time in the morning eases the transition between slumber and full speed. If you have the space, add a settee or bench at the foot of the bed, perhaps with a table or two to hold books. How could you resist?

Similarly, this cushy chair next to the bedside table just begs for an early espresso and a few pages of a good book. Morning Sunshine!, anyone?
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