Houzz Call: Send in the Design Cats
http://decor-ideas.org 07/22/2013 07:15 Decor Ideas
The dog people have had their day. Cat lovers, it's your turn. We want to see your best photo of your cats at home, in your garden and in your workspace. We all know that cats help you decorate. Show us how they also make you laugh and help you appreciate the comforts of home.

We love our cats and are always looking for ways to please them. It's not that hard. No store-bought toy is better than a milk cap, a wad of trace paper or hanging out in the sun with you.

Each cat is as individual as a work of art. Around Houzz, the more of them we find in interesting rooms, the better.

Photo from Heather Davis

So grab your camera and get a shot of Mister Tibbs before he can see what you're doing and rub his nose on the lens. Twosomes welcome, too.
Already have a photo that shows your cat at his or her handsomest, silliest and best? Please upload it to the Comments section below.
We will be featuring 50 of the best photos and stories in an upcoming roundup of cats in design.
Photo from Alli Michelle

We definitely need to see photos of the cat helping out around your office ...
Photo from rcbennett

... and helping you start that new painting.
Photo from Michelle Renee

Photo from Elena Calabrese Design & Decor

Your turn: Upload a large, clear, well-lit photo and tell us something about your cat and how he or she helps you around the house, yard and studio. You may be seeing your furry friend on the homepage soon.
More: 50 dogs in design
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