Old-World Style in a Farmhouse(2)

Old-World Style in a Farmhouse
Ceiling-to-floor drapery panels conquer the living room's vertically stacked windows. Nobilis fabric covers a 19th-century spool chair.
English-arm loveseat (#165-66XX): TRS Furniture & Textiles, 336/472-7540, trsfurniture.com.
Love-seat fabric ("Linen Velvet"/Moss #10767-14): Cowtan & Tout, 212/647-6900.
Bullion fringe (8.25 inch French Bullion Fringe/Coral and Olive Gold #984-19573-250); rope trim (3/8-inch French Cord with Tape/Coral and Olive Gold #981-19563-250): Samuel & Sons, 212/704-8000.
Drapery and sofa pillow fabric ("Berwick Glade"/Nutmeg #7039-832): Brunschwig & Fils, 800/538-1880, brunschwig.com.
Drapery fringe ("Fairmont Tassel Fringe" #1755/4A): Décor de Paris, 800/221-6453, decordeparis.com.
Cocktail table (custom): Woodland Furniture for Todd Richesin Interiors, 865/675-5828.
Lounge chair: Baker, 800/592-2537.
Fabric ("Cobblestone Chenille" #7609-7): Bassett McNab Co. Inc., 267/508-0001.
Russian painting over mantel candelabra: Bobby Todd Antiques, 423/337-3837.
Mantel ("Pugin," Gothic series): Francois & Co., 888/744-2410, francoisandco.com.
Leather sofa (discontinued): Hancock & Moore, 828/495-8235, hancockandmoore.com.
Chandelier ("Mansion" #9314): Currey & Co., 877/768-6428, curreyco.com.
Lamps: owner's collection.
Armoire (#214B): Amy Howard Collection, 901/547-1448, amyhowardcollection.com.