Elegant Edge(8)

Elegant Edge
The master bedroom was designed from scratch, with its palette set by the gorgeous atmospheric painting by Miriam DeHority. Silk striped curtains key into the colors of the art, as the silk duvet does to the chair.
Painting (by Miriam Newman): Miriam Newman, 772/546-920.
Blanket chest; bronze sculpture (Portrait d'Ariance, by Isabelle Melchior ): owner's collection.
Chair; fabric: Nancy Corzine, 212/223-8340, nancycorzine.com.
Drapery ("Bellini Stripe"/Blue, Cream #10941-04): Cowtan & Tout, 212/647-6900.
Trim (#175): Travis & Co., 404/237-5079.
Bed cover: Silk Trading Co., 323/954-9280, silktrading.com.
Pillow with stripe ("Three Lines"): Pratesi Linens, 212/288-2315, pratesi.com.
Glass lamps ("Cylinder Lamp"): The Wicker Works, 415/558-6700, thewickerworks.com.
Carpet: Stark Carpet, 212/752-9000.
Screen fabric ("Tana" #1269.921): Zimmer-Rohde, 866/627-6899, zimmer-rohde.com.