sunshine and sensibility(10)

sunshine and sensibility
The library includes an office nook for Paul, separated from the main space by glass-paned pocket doors. The doors provide quiet without blocking natural light. “We can see his head and know he’s working without having to bother him,” Serena says.
“I feel confident now about what I like,” Serena says about her designing. “Early on, I worried about making mistakes, but mistakes are OK—they’re what make a home real. You shouldn’t be afraid to take risks or do something a bit crazy, like putting in a drinking fountain.” Design choices should be based on what feels natural and comfortable for the homeowners, she explains. “A lot of people think beauty means luxury or high-end goods. But I think beauty is truly whatever feels right and is good for you.”
Paint (#DK8): Donald Kaufman Color, 800/977-9198.