not your typical little Debbie

not your typical little Debbie
Debbie Reynolds is all about details, and lots of them. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, she returned to her native San Francisco and worked in commercial real estate. Following the birth of her two children, she became a stay-at-home mom. In her leisure time, she devoted herself to organizing fund-raisers for San Francisco-area philanthropies ranging from the Junior League, The Bay Area Discovery Museum, and the San Francisco Symphony to the schools her children attend. And when she discovered a dearth of nutritional snacks for kids, she created her own. With her sister and business partner, Gwen Solberg, she established Healthy Handfuls, a company that makes kid-friendly, organic snacks.
Interior designer: Tres McKinney, Tres McKinney Design, 2 Henry Adams St., San Francisco, CA 94103; 415/626-5504.
Landscape designer: Katherine Webster, M.L.A., 1707 Broderick St., San Francisco, CA 94115; 415/ 377-5933.
Contractor: Silvestrini Construction, 3634 Rivera St., San Francisco, CA 94116; 415/564-6600.
Photographs by Michal Venera
Text by Krissa Rossbund
Produced by Erin Milgram