Viewing Pleasure(2)

Viewing Pleasure
“I was just bowled over by the view,” Charles says. “I had no idea it would be so beautiful and tranquil. My windows overlook the tidal basin of the Neponset River. There’s a yacht club across the street, so I get to see wonderful boats coming and going all the time. For me, it is the perfect refuge.”
Charles does not get overly attached to most of his furniture, saying it “comes and goes,” but the living room’s 18th-century Irish corner chair and the early-19th-century Italian chaise will always have a place in his home. The shapely chaise is positioned so that Charles can take in the view while reading. Coupled with the chaise is a petite one-drawer stand that’s just big enough to hold a book or two and perhaps a glass of wine.
Chaise: Antiques on 5, 617/951-0008.
Chaise fabric: Clarence House, 800/803-2850,, trade only.
Green throw on chaise: Muse, 312/595-9604.