01/19/2014 23:25
As a boy, Realtor Ed Gunning used to walk down his favorite street in Tampa, Florida, and dream of living there one day. Decades later he set his sights on a house on that very street. He trie...
My Houzz: Fulfilling a Childhood Fantasy in Florida
My Houzz: Fulfilling a Childhood Fantasy in Florida
My Houzz: Fulfilling a Childhood Fantasy in Florida
My Houzz: Fulfilling a Childhood Fantasy in Florida
My Houzz: Fulfilling a Childhood Fantasy in Florida
01/19/2014 23:24
I know so many people who are putting “Get better sleep” on their resolution lists this year. Whether you need a more comfortable place for laying your head or a little help relaxing into sleep...
Guest Picks: Sleepy-Time Soothers
Guest Picks: Sleepy-Time Soothers
Guest Picks: Sleepy-Time Soothers
Guest Picks: Sleepy-Time Soothers
Guest Picks: Sleepy-Time Soothers
01/19/2014 23:23
A wicker basket is a beautiful thing. Whether fashioned out of natural fibers or an engineered substitute, these handy catchalls come in all sizes and shapes and in every shade of brown (except,...
Something Wicker This Way Comes
Something Wicker This Way Comes
Something Wicker This Way Comes
Something Wicker This Way Comes
Something Wicker This Way Comes
01/19/2014 23:22
The British slogan during World War II, Make Do and Mend, came about in response to shortages of material with which to make clothing, furniture and other necessities. Citizens were encouraged t...
Simple Pleasures: Make Do and Mend
Simple Pleasures: Make Do and Mend
Simple Pleasures: Make Do and Mend
Simple Pleasures: Make Do and Mend
Simple Pleasures: Make Do and Mend
01/19/2014 07:22
Where most people see problems, Vanessa Emam — a newly minted designer and the owner of Déco Addictude — and Rambod Nasrin, principle of Upside Development, see design opportunity. Emam and her ...
Houzz Tour: Old House, New Attitude
Houzz Tour: Old House, New Attitude
Houzz Tour: Old House, New Attitude
Houzz Tour: Old House, New Attitude
Houzz Tour: Old House, New Attitude