11/26/2014 22:12
The dining room is usually the first thing to go when shrinking a space plan down to the modern compact size so often seen in condos, townhomes and other smaller dwellings. Faced with fitting your li...
11/26/2014 20:12
Conifers are great additions to any garden where they will grow. They introduce elegance and structure to the landscape. When flowering perennials are done and have disappeared for the season, these ...
[Interior] Make Your Own Mini Advent Village
11/26/2014 06:12
As the big day approaches, what could be sweeter than opening up a little treat-filled Advent house each morning? Follow this step-by-step guide to create a unique village that will keep the little o...
11/26/2014 04:12
We live in a machined world, and consequently we have high expectations for perfection and quality in everything we own. You’re likely within arm’s reach of a beautifully designed, highly machined pi...
[Interior] Guest Picks: Dining Tables
11/26/2014 03:42
I’m a big fan of mixing and matching dining room furniture — out with the set, in with the eclectic and layered mix! Choosing a table is the first step, and there are lots of options. Round tables ar...