11/25/2014 04:12
Whether you've been letting your home improvement to-do list get the best of you, or are finding yourself comparing your real-world home to professionally styled and photographed ones, it's natural t...
11/25/2014 00:12
Saddled with long and stressful commutes, this husband and wife craved a master bedroom that would serve as a true retreat after long workdays. However, they were having trouble agreeing on a bedroom...
[Interior] Great Design Plant: Annual Phacelias
11/24/2014 22:12
Phacelias start their springtime display by uncoiling their curved racemes with flowers of blue, mauve, purple or lavender. As their eye-catching, bell-shaped flowers open, these annuals call pollina...
[Interior] Houzz Tour: A Home of a Different Color
11/24/2014 20:12
Designer Erin Iba and the owners of this Boulder, Colorado, home were put together by Designer Premier, an agency that pairs interior designers and architects with potential clients. Marina Dagenais,...
[Interior] One Table, Two Holiday Settings
11/24/2014 18:32
Make setting your holiday table fun, simple and inexpensive by transforming one set of basic centerpiece items for both fall and winter feasts. The trick is to keep things natural, using fresh herbs,...