12/21/2014 03:12
At first Sara and Gibbs Rounsavall figured they would make over their 1980s plastic-laminate-filled kitchen with just new cabinets and appliances. But once they met with architect Emily Fisher and he...
12/21/2014 01:12
Artist Marie Van Elder has always made her home integral to her work. She uses it as a studio, workshop and gallery. The walls are filled with work by her and by her artist friends, and the largest r...
[Interior] How to Make a Festive Paper-Cut Ornament
12/20/2014 23:12
Create your own tree decoration this year with a design cut out of paper and tucked inside a clear glass ball. You could personalize it with a word, name or phrase, go simple or choose a more intrica...
[Interior] How to Cover Windows Above a Radiator
12/20/2014 21:12
If you live in a home with radiators, you know how tricky it can be to choose window treatments with those big, blocky structures in the way — especially if you have your heart set on curtains. From ...
12/20/2014 08:12
This week Houzz stories had us getting inspired by great holiday projects and decor, but at the same time, they gave us permission to cut ourselves a break. Whether you want to accomplish the perfect...