04/28/2015 23:02
It’s no secret that key elements of Japanese interior design and architecture have been influencing homes around the world for decades, and with the launch of Houzz Japan this month, that point has b...
04/28/2015 22:42
As a gardener who was raised in the South, I can think of only a handful of reasons I would ever consider moving north. At the top of the list would be the ability to grow weeping European larch (Lar...
04/28/2015 04:12
When Janene Waudby and her husband bought their home in southeast London in 2013, they were immediately drawn to its long garden. Waudby, a ceramicist, saw the possibility of carving out a space for ...
04/28/2015 03:13
As Kentucky Derby 141 races to the home stretch May 2, designer Lee W. Robinson welcomes Houzz into his home for a sneak peek and some party hosting tips guaranteed to make your own Derby party a win...
04/28/2015 03:12
Dust is everywhere, all the time. But during a remodeling project, it’s particularly abundant — and potentially hazardous. All sorts of nasty stuff gets kicked up while demolishing walls, taking apar...