06/15/2015 15:12
Anyone who’s spent long hours working in the garden knows the pleasure that comes from a job well done. And there’s no better vantage point than a garden nook: a small, secluded spot in which to rela...
06/15/2015 03:12
Even if you live nowhere near ocean waves, there’s a lot to be learned about small-space living from the design and style of beach cottages. If you live in a compact cottage (no matter where it is), ...
06/15/2015 02:12
Fiona and Jack Szabo began the search for a new home in late 2009, in response to a desire for a bigger space for their growing family. They had outgrown their beloved art deco duplex in east Malvern...
06/15/2015 00:13
Canada anemone (Anemone canadensis) is a common water’s-edge perennial native to much of North America that provides bright white flowers in late spring. The flowers are held on long stalks above the...
06/14/2015 23:12
Designer Robin LaMonte says that when new clients talk to her about a kitchen project, one of the first things they usually want to do is rip out the entire kitchen and start over. But LaMonte recomm...