01/15/2014 07:23
Anyone who has built, designed or remodeled a home has heard the term “built to code” and people saying, “The code requires it to be like that.” And when we hear things like this, we tend to th...
01/15/2014 07:22
When the owners of this house met with architect Rafe Churchill for the first time, they brought along the 1953 children’s classic One Morning in Maine by Robert McCloskey for inspiration. In th...
01/15/2014 03:23
The name that Christopher Megowan gave the small house near Melbourne he designed an extension for is telling — and intriguing. It’s the Convertible Courtyards House, telling us that there is no...
01/15/2014 03:22
The distinct, tart and tangy flavor of the kumquat, a close relative of citrus, is distinctive enough to make you form your own opinion the minute you bite into the edible sweet rind for the ver...
01/15/2014 02:22
After 12 years at Apple leading the design of the iPod and iPhone, Tony Fadell told his friends and family he was leaving one of the most valuable companies on the planet to make thermostats. (C...