03/13/2014 02:23
After experiencing a peculiar weather phenomenon the other night that can best be described as “thunder-sleet,” I’m more than ready for spring to arrive. In fact, I’m already thinking of how I c...
03/13/2014 02:22
“Large or small, [the garden] should be orderly and rich. It should be well fenced from the outside world. It should by no means imitate either the willfulness or the wildness of nature, but sho...
03/12/2014 22:24
The front door was in the wrong place. That’s what stood out to architect Jeff Troyer when he arrived at his client’s 1920s home in Los Angeles to talk about a kitchen remodel. That discussion w...
[Interior] Get the Organizing Help You Need (Finally!)
03/12/2014 22:23
Clutter and disarray driving you bonkers? Perhaps it’s finally time to call in some organizing help. Whether you need assistance with a large room or a small closet, or you need an entire househ...
03/12/2014 22:22
“This room has really changed this family’s lifestyle,” says interior designer Jules Duffy. Redesigning the family room along with the adjacent turquoise dining room let the parents reclaim thei...