[Interior] My Houzz: Countryside Charm in a 1940s Home
05/16/2014 22:23
Freelance TV commercial art director Sal Boucher felt an instant connection when she turned into the driveway of this 1940s countryside home in New South Wales, Australia. She was thinking about...
05/16/2014 11:23
Jadis réservé aux salles de classes, le tableau noir sort de l’ombre et investit fièrement toutes les pièces de la maison. De la chambre au salon en passant par la salle à manger, le bureau ou e...
05/16/2014 07:43
The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center is an onyx-shaded stack of glass cubes that sits on the New York City’s Hudson River like a stack of Lego blocks. At night the glass glows as the skeleton o...
[Interior] How to Childproof Your Bathroom
05/16/2014 06:03
We’ve tackled childproofing in the yard and kitchen; now let’s move to the bathroom, where the presence of water makes everything a lot more dangerous. I obtained the following safety tips thr...
05/16/2014 03:23
Michael Imber was just starting out as an architect in San Antonio, Texas, when he met his dream client. “I was working on a kitchen for a woman who was in love with the cabinets in her former h...