[Interior] 8 Benefits of Cottage Living
05/17/2014 06:03
In 1950 the average American home measured just 983 square feet. By 2004 that average had grown to 2,340 square feet. But is bigger really better? There seems to be a growing interest in smalle...
05/17/2014 02:25
If you’re having trouble deciding on which bathroom style is right for you, then why not go with all of them? Eclectic style offers the chance to mix things up and inject a bit of — OK a lot of ...
05/17/2014 02:24
With their delicate movement and melodious splash, water features often become the focal point of a garden. And nothing brings a feeling of coolness and tranquility quite like a pond or fountain...
05/17/2014 02:23
Interior designer Susan Helie had drawn sketches of her dream home on the water, and she and her husband, Peter, set out to find a site for it in Stonington, Connecticut. Across the harbor from ...
05/16/2014 22:24
Looking like a yucca but a member of the parsley and carrot family, rattlesnake master is a unique plant not used nearly enough. While it’s in bloom, the flower heads are insect magnets, and it ...