08/05/2014 02:12
These plants provide an important habitat to critters large and small, stunning seasonal colors, textures and interest in any-size garden, and are climate appropriate in dry California summers. They ...
10 Top California Native Plants, Trees and Grasses
10 Top California Native Plants, Trees and Grasses
10 Top California Native Plants, Trees and Grasses
10 Top California Native Plants, Trees and Grasses
10 Top California Native Plants, Trees and Grasses
08/05/2014 00:14
My husband, Scott, and I have been checking things off on our eternal to-do list around the house, and we’re looking forward to the next action item — the guest room! With fall and the upcoming holid...
Guest Picks: Make Your Guest Room a Destination
Guest Picks: Make Your Guest Room a Destination
Guest Picks: Make Your Guest Room a Destination
Guest Picks: Make Your Guest Room a Destination
Guest Picks: Make Your Guest Room a Destination
08/05/2014 00:13
Your poor driveway. Between taking the weight of your car several times a day and enduring the elements 24/7, it really takes a beating. And yet, aside from the odd crack or pothole, it really doesn’...
How to Reseal Your Asphalt Driveway
How to Reseal Your Asphalt Driveway
How to Reseal Your Asphalt Driveway
How to Reseal Your Asphalt Driveway
08/05/2014 00:12
When a family of four moved into this Philadelphia home, they had about 15 years’ worth of furniture and accessories, and a lot of it simply did not work in their new house. “The move made them reali...
Room of the Day: Editing and Evolving in Philadelphia
Room of the Day: Editing and Evolving in Philadelphia
Room of the Day: Editing and Evolving in Philadelphia
Room of the Day: Editing and Evolving in Philadelphia
Room of the Day: Editing and Evolving in Philadelphia
08/04/2014 05:12
What is it with human beings and fire? While most living things shy away from flames, we’re drawn to them, using fire for social gatherings, as a source of heat or as a tool for relaxation. In open ...
Objects of Desire: Modern Fireplaces Play Many Roles
Objects of Desire: Modern Fireplaces Play Many Roles
Objects of Desire: Modern Fireplaces Play Many Roles
Objects of Desire: Modern Fireplaces Play Many Roles
Objects of Desire: Modern Fireplaces Play Many Roles