[Interior] Great Design Plant: Buddleja Marrubiifolia
04/06/2015 23:12
Woolly butterfly bush (Buddleja marrubiifolia) is a drought-tolerant plant that deserves more attention in the garden. What’s not to love about a medium-size shrub that has velvety gray-green leaves ...
04/06/2015 21:13
The views were breathtaking, but the interiors were no match for them. A couple bought this home perched on a cliff over British Columbia’s Eagle Harbor fully furnished, but found the heavy, dark and...
[Interior] Pattern Focus: Toile for All
04/06/2015 19:12
Even if you didn’t know its name, you’ve likely seen a toile fabric or wall covering. With monochromatic pictures printed on a light background, a toile pattern often portrays idyllic, exotic or past...
[Interior] Summer Crops: How to Grow Beans
04/06/2015 15:12
Green beans are probably one of the most readily available vegetables at the grocery store. So why grow your own? First, they’re easy and quick to produce, making them a good choice for a beginning g...
04/06/2015 03:12
Despite the fact that it looked “horrific,” interior designer Tanya Capaldo knew good bones when she saw them in this 1885 Boston brownstone. The house was dark, walls closed off rooms, surfaces were...