05/14/2015 03:13
Interior designer and house renovator Clark Collins had noticed this prominent French Normandy revival house in the village of Laguna Beach, California, for many years. Occupied by renters since the ...
Houzz Tour: Historic Coastal Home Is Rescued From Neglect
Houzz Tour: Historic Coastal Home Is Rescued From Neglect
Houzz Tour: Historic Coastal Home Is Rescued From Neglect
Houzz Tour: Historic Coastal Home Is Rescued From Neglect
Houzz Tour: Historic Coastal Home Is Rescued From Neglect
05/14/2015 03:12
Specialty nurseries, whether online or at a local farmer’s market, offer opportunities to discover unique native plants. Take shooting star (Dodecatheon meadia), whose arching stems bear gorgeous, da...
Great Design Plant: Dodecatheon Meadia
Great Design Plant: Dodecatheon Meadia
Great Design Plant: Dodecatheon Meadia
Great Design Plant: Dodecatheon Meadia
05/14/2015 01:12
“Eight,” I hear you say. “She can’t possibly be serious. Isn’t a sink just a sink?” But yes, I am serious — and my clients are often baffled when trying to choose from the available options. The trut...
How to Choose the Right Bathroom Sink
How to Choose the Right Bathroom Sink
How to Choose the Right Bathroom Sink
How to Choose the Right Bathroom Sink
How to Choose the Right Bathroom Sink
05/13/2015 23:13
What do a brick schoolhouse, Texas train depot, 1800s bourbon distillery and Victorian-era water tower have in common? If you’re searching for a unique place to call home, it might be time to expand ...
Look Beyond the House to Find a Home
Look Beyond the House to Find a Home
Look Beyond the House to Find a Home
Look Beyond the House to Find a Home
Look Beyond the House to Find a Home
05/13/2015 22:12
Theater and garden design have been closely connected at various points in gardening history. During the Italian Renaissance, an outdoor stage was often set in the classic formal gardens, where opera...
10 Designs Bring Theatrical Drama to the Garden
10 Designs Bring Theatrical Drama to the Garden
10 Designs Bring Theatrical Drama to the Garden
10 Designs Bring Theatrical Drama to the Garden
10 Designs Bring Theatrical Drama to the Garden