04/25/2015 22:12
Though it is often said that our eyes are the window to our soul, when it comes to plants, their leaves can be the window to their health. Problems such as nutrient deficiency, overwatering, high lev...
04/25/2015 20:12
Mark and Kitten Grote wanted a place in the countryside outside New Orleans. Their ideal place turned out to be a midcentury-modern home in Covington, Louisiana, that had been built by Kitten’s grand...
04/25/2015 08:12
The bedroom is where most of us spend one-third of our lives. It’s where we rest, read, surf the Internet on a lazy Saturday morning. It’s where the magic happens. Indeed, with all the important rech...
04/25/2015 04:12
Many architects, builders, designers and landscape professionals are seeing an uptick in the number and size of projects they’re taking on in the first three months of this year, compared with the la...
04/25/2015 02:12
The Hollywood Regency style originated in the golden age of Hollywood — the 1930s. Taking inspiration from the lavish film sets of the period that blended neoclassical and modern design, actor-turned...