06/18/2015 20:12
“My yard is too shady for a vegetable garden” is a common lament among homeowners with mature trees on their property, or tall buildings or other structures that darken the landscape. The statement i...
06/18/2015 19:12
An attic conversion in this 17th-century home in Old Portsmouth, England, gained the owners a stunning view of the sea as well as added an extra bedroom and bathroom. The project architect brought ...
06/18/2015 03:13
Summer brings with it the urge to simplify and relax — schedules, wardrobe and the home all get a bit more laid-back at this time of year. To help your home embrace that easy, breezy beach house feel...
06/18/2015 03:12
Jenny Vorwaller’s thorough understanding of color and texture can be seen both in her work as an oil painter and in how she’s thoughtfully furnished the Seattle home that she, husband Marcus and thei...
06/18/2015 02:12
When observing gaura (Gaura lindheimeri) for the first time, people are immediately struck by the way that its flowers look like small butterflies floating on a cloud over dark green foliage. Don’t l...