11/24/2013 10:30
The bedroom is where you can completely relax and let your cares melt away. But why should the bed get all the glory? By transforming an open corner or wall space in the bedroom into a lounge ar...
[Interior] Holiday Party Prep: Plan Your Table Settings
11/24/2013 10:15
We’ve been prepping for holiday hosting one week at a time; so far we’ve tackled the extra seating conundrum, made room in the kitchen and prepped the house. Now it’s time to nail that perfect t...
11/23/2013 17:15
Goldenrain tree is highly adaptable to diverse growing conditions and the perfect size for small urban landscapes and courtyard gardens, or as a specimen accent for larger properties. An ornamen...
[Interior] Live a Fairy Tale in a Getaway Castle Tower
11/23/2013 17:00
Childhood abounds with tales about stone towers where damsels in distress await rescue by a knight in shining armor. Historically, medieval tower houses were often located in inhospitable and in...
11/23/2013 16:45
One unfortunate side effect of spending a lot of time on Houzz is Acute Houzz Envy, but if you’re suffering from it, we’ve found the antidote. Together we’re going to turn this envy on its head,...