[Interior] Ceiling Treatments Worth a Look
12/01/2013 09:15
Do you ever look up at your ceilings and think, “Wow, look at how flat and exciting they are?” Didn’t think so. “The ceiling is the surface that is most ignored,” says Melissa Destree, an archit...
11/30/2013 21:30
Victorian houses hold a special place in the hearts of house lovers across the United States. Tall, proud and intricately adorned facades provide a delightful dance of visuals. But interestingly...
11/30/2013 21:15
Ellen Kennon gave up a successful design career in New York 13 years ago to return to her home state of Louisiana. Craving a simpler but richer life, she bought some property on a winding road n...
11/30/2013 21:00
Don’t let perfectly styled rooms give you the blues. Steal ideas from them instead. In this series we’re fighting off Acute Houzz Envy by ransacking beautiful rooms for easy and free (or very in...
[Interior] Design Your Landscape for Peace and Quiet
11/30/2013 20:45
Whether it’s the busy boulevard at your front curb or the kids next door having a screamingly good time, a noisy environment makes it hard to relax and enjoy your yard. Noise pollution is a str...