04/16/2014 19:23
Wet towels and dirty clothes dumped on the floor, the sink littered with products, soap scum caked on every surface … In the daily rush to get out the door, the bathroom often fares the worst (a...
[Interior] Going Solar at Home: Solar Panel Basics
04/16/2014 19:22
Solar-powered homes were a rarity as recently as a decade ago. But a plethora of federal and local tax incentives along with increasing worries about climate change have made them commonplace. ...
04/16/2014 19:02
Second to the kitchen, the bathroom takes the biggest beating in a home with children. This is where the kids bathe, brush their teeth, shower, do their hair, wash their hands and — well, you kn...
[Interior] Wine Storage for the Rest of Us
04/16/2014 03:24
Before the wine police throttle me, let me concede that wine cannot really be successfully stored in less-than-perfectly-controlled conditions. Of course, that assumes you are a connoisseur buy...
04/16/2014 03:23
Eight years ago Robert and Amanda Nathan added 900 square feet to their 1950s home in Portland, Oregon, reorienting the living room and adding a couple of bedrooms and a bathroom. “We generated ...